ur sun shine in 2011

Aries 2011

Basic Characteristics of Aries
Aries are ruled by the planet, Mars. Individuals born under this sun sign are usually of medium height. They hate domination and cannot stand being subordinate to anyone. In fact, they flourish more when they are self-employed. Aries born people are short-tempered. But, their anger cools down as speedily as it comes. Such people are very courageous and hard working. They have more chances of achieving success as well as happiness in their homeland, rather than in some foreign country.
Aries may take some time to be successful in mature matters, but they have bright chances of receiving honor, fame and fortune, sooner or later. Their interest is diverted towards the careers like sports, armed forces and police. They get fascinated by machines, inflammable products and metals. Their philosophy and religious thoughts are quite different from those of other people. People born under Aries sun sign are self made and do not depend on others for succeeding in their life.

General Astrological Predictions for Aries in 2011

The year 2011 would be a year where you would get stirred up in all arenas. Your course of life would be changed dramatically for the best and your role in the family and profession would be reinforced to a greater extent. Your relationships shall take centre-stage and you shall seem to be more useful to the society than ever before in life. You would find yourself with people around always and solitude would be a thing of the past thanks to your new initiative in the social field.

Career and Finance
You shall put in all your heart and soul into career this year of 2011. You would climb up the ladder of profession now. It is time for you to assert your capabilities in the work field. Determination is the key- word to succeed in your profession. A diplomatic approach is much needed now. Your new ideas and ambitions shall succeed.
Your financial inflows this year would be quite satisfactory with inflows coming much from external sources rather than your own efforts. A strategy has to be worked out for a better financial performance for the whole period, else you might land in troubled waters. You need to have a full and clear picture of your financial future. Try to attain a stable picture here by foreseeing the financial imbalances. An important expenditure is on the anvil around the middle of the year that might burn a hole in your pocket. Try to get back unclaimed money of yours that has been lying idle for quite some time now.

Love and Marriage
You need to express your feelings in the relationship area this year. Listening rather than talking to one’s partner is a must which would help you to balance the relationship so that the bonds are kept intact without any damages. Progress is assured in the love field for this period. Though a complicated phase is in the offing you shall come out of it unscathed. Try to understand the feelings and thoughts of your partner and maintain your cool. If single a better phase awaits you this year. For those already into love lock, a perfect break is forecast.

The year promises to be a year of great energy and vigor. Much of your physical and mental energy would be drained throughout the year for the better. Much effort would be needed on your part to have your feet here on this planet. Tiredness and boredom might dampen your spirits for which you ought to take occasional retreats. A good balance between food, exercise and work shall see you in the pink of your health for the whole year ahead.

Taurus 2011
Basic Characteristics of Taurus
The individuals born under Taurus zodiac sign are ruled by the planet Venus, which is the symbol of wealth and luxury. Individuals born under Taurus sun sign are quite good looking and have an attractive personality. They genuinely believe in hard work and determination. They have a taste for the finer things in life, like art and music. They are very gentle and religious by nature. They never miss an opportunity to do something good and pious.
Taurus individuals live by their own rules and follow their mind. They love to live a luxurious life and are quite comfortable with the opposite sex. In short, they have an inclination to lead a life that is full of indulgence and lavishness. A Taurean will always have a preference for business over service. Infact, you will find most of the Taurus individuals involved in their own business. From career point of view, they are successful in the fields of commerce, banking, cinema, textiles trading, etc.

General Astrological Predictions for Taurus in 2011

Your creativity would come to the forefront this year. Much growth is forecast for your creative senses during the period. Peace and harmony shall befall you. Your personal living and work place environment should be improved a lot so that your efforts give maximum results. Conditions shall become favourable for you to enjoy and experience pleasure in all its forms. Your communicative nature comes in handy here with much freedom of thought and action.

Career and Finance
You might need to put in much effort into the career field this year than the previous years. Your ideas and energy need to focuses into positive directions for best results. Some hindrances from authorities and peers is forecast for the natives. You canoe be a master of all trades. Focus all your energy in one direction so that your interests see the light. A change of attitude would be much needed for professional growth. Some help shall come from those near you for your career development and future ventures.
You are forecasted with a favourable financial season for the year ahead. Do avoid unwanted expenditure and anything that tempts you to spend unwontedly. Some expenses related to revamp of your place of dwelling is on the cards. The middle of the year would be particularly in your favour as far as your finances are concerned for the year 2011.

Health and Family
Your physical and mental health would remain satisfactory for most part of the year 2011, except for occasional hindrances now and then in the form of minor illnesses. Ward off unwanted tensions from life and focus your energy on the positive side of life. Recharge your life within and take healthy food and do not miss on your regular exercise routines that might bring you down in uninvited consequences.

Marriage and Love
Your love life would be generally good for the year. But you need to put in dedication and maintain it with utmost care. Affection and expression of love should be coming naturally for you in this period. Sensuous moments are in for you this year with partner. Your dreams of landing in the land of love and warmth shall materialize finally. If single, the middle of the year shall see you all in the warmth of love or wedlock. An intense emotional period waits you. But beware of the mood changes of partner. A clear study of the personality of partner would be advised for the natives.

Gemini 2011
Basic Characteristics of Gemini
Individuals born under the Gemini zodiac sign are usually polite, generous and of a cheerful nature. They are blessed with a tall build, a big nose and beautiful hair. They have a brilliant mind and their intelligence is easily reflected in their walk, talk and looks. You will never find Geminis, uttering unpleasant words. They are very bright, kind-hearted, playful and compassionate by nature. Material wealth comes easily to them and they never shy away from any kind of hard work.
Gemini individuals are excellent at discussions and have a very subtle way with words. They are God-fearing people and are inclined towards business rather than service. Infact, it is the former one that helps them in attaining wealth as well as fame in their life. However, they face a lot of obstacles while going up the ladder of success. They love the finer things in life like arts, dance and music. Geminis never waste their money. They will not be stingy, but they will not squander their money either.

General Astrological Predictions for Gemini in 2011

Relationships get a new meaning for the year thanks to the groundwork you did last year. Most of your objectives in the personal and professional field would be met in time. Though periodic troubles are probable, most of the year would be smooth transiting into a new phase in your life. Partnership shall have a major influence on your course of life for the year ahead.

Career and Finance
Your professional ambitions soar to a new high thanks to the planetary influences on you this year. Social works and charity deeds shall keep you engaged keeping you off from the main stream of profession. Relationship with colleagues would be fairly a good affair while some hitches in the relations with authorities or those above you cannot be ruled out for the year 2011. Maintain a good balance between work and personal deeds for better results.
The first half of the year sees in your better financial position thanks to growth in your profession or business. But keep a tab of your financial moves. At times some financial hitches are probable. Handle finances with ease as the latter half of the year shall bring in some unwanted expenses, loans and losses through speculative deals. Anyway, the gains of the first half of the year shall help you to swim the tide of misfortune to a certain extent.

Family, Marriage and Love
A romantic relationship is in store for you this year. Partner shall rely largely on you and hence a better performance on your part is expected in this field. Some complications are expected in the love field which needs to be tackled diligently. Better means of communication with partner will work wonders and make the relationship endure the test of time. Your need for freedom takes the stage around the middle of the year when some problems are likely to creep in. In general the year promises many good moments with partner. Do not act hastily when you are to take important decisions related to relationship.

Occasional small health ailments shall take much of your energy. You need to take the health matter much responsibly for the year ahead else you might land in the hands of a doc. But generally your health seems satisfactory and your immune system would be at its best. Avoid overeating, fast foods, laziness, lack of exercise and this will see you through the year with less health complications

Cancer 2011
Basic Characteristics of Cancerian
The zodiac sign of Cancer is ruled by Moon. Cancerian individuals have a exceptionally pleasing personality with good looks. They usually have a round face and a medium height. Cancerians are extremely moody and are quite prone to changes. They are playful, lighthearted, highly imaginative, sociable, and love water. They believe in doing things that are in sync with the times and knows well to get their work done.
Cancerian individuals love traveling, visiting new places and playing in water. They can become successful writers, poets, etc. Such individuals are very patient and gentle by nature. They give a deep thought to other people saying. They have a sharp remembrance and are often the most beloved and the most pampered one in the family. Cancerians love their family and never hurt anyone intentionally.

General Astrological Predictions for Cancerian in 2011

The results of your efforts put in for the last few years shall begin to give results this year. Almost all the aspects of your life would be feel a change now. Success always come in big packages in your case. Some slow down can be expected towards the end of the year, but do not heed to it and instead keep going with all your energy and with all your might.

Career and Finance

The results of your efforts put in for the last few years shall begin to give results this year. Almost all the aspects of your life would be feel a change now. Success always come in big packages in your case. Some slow down can be expected towards the end of the year, but do not heed to it and instead keep going with all your energy and with all your might.
A financial stability and security would be much needed for you this year. Hence work in this respect. Progress need to be made in the right direction so that your financial ship stays afloat. Turbulences and storms are not be missed in this area for the year. Expenses related to family and friends would burn your fingers to some extent. A better prudential approach is advised for the year. A well-planned budget based financial performance shall help you a lot towards the end of the year when a major financial hitch is probable.

Marriage, Family and Love

The period from January to March would be a troublesome period as far as relationships are concerned in your personal life. Then things turn out for you well. You need to view your relations with partner from a new angle. Your partner would be able to understand you deeply on a more romantic note. Communication need to controlled and censored. At times intimacy might take a back seat. Make all efforts to patch up the torn parts of your relationship. If single, the middle of the year would be able to help you settle down with an ideal partner. Confidence is the key to a positive relationship with your partner. Avoid negligence of sorts and don’t hesitate to take calculated risks.


Your general health remains satisfactory. Focus your energy in the positive direction. Recharge your batteries. The middle of the year might bring in some health concerns. But no major effects are foreseen.Energy seems to be full at the beginning of the year and slowly wanes as the year advances. The second and the third quarter of the year shall see you with minor discomforts in the health side.


Horoscope of 2010 mentions no big chances of traveling for these people in 2010. However, there might be chances of some sudden traveling for these people in the coming year.

Leo 2011
Basic Characteristics of Leo
Individuals born under the zodiac sign of Leo are very good looking and have a healthy physique, with a broad forehead. They are very intelligent, extremely courageous and freedom-loving. They love to live by their own rules. Indulgence and extravagance is like second nature to them and they love to roam around and explore new places. They can easily handle the toughest of situations, with their clear and clever thinking. Leo individuals are very generous and expressive by nature.
They easily forgive people who have hurt them and seldom carry grudges. However, if anyone insults them or hurts their vulnerable ego, they should brace themselves for an extremely violent temple. People born under Leo sign are prone to anger and take some time to cool down. Most of them are theistic by nature and believe in the 'Supreme Being'. Leos have a very fiery spirit and love to get indulged in adventurous activities.

General Astrological Predictions for Leo in 2011

The year 2011 would be a generally good year for the Leos. Relationships do well, your ambitions and ideals materialize. But occasional hiccups cannot be ruled out now and then. A lot of positive developments are likely to take place in your life this year. Reinforce your ideals and remain firm on your thoughts and actions. Do not give way for interference by others. Your creativity and imagination would be at their best and hence put it into proper use. Channel them into a profitable deal.

Career and Finance

You have the guts to bring success in your professional life. But of late, particularly the previous year, you were lying low with a dead spirit. Rejuvenate your thoughts and come out of your shell. The first quarter of the year might be slightly unstable for you. But for this the rest of the year shall remain calm and good in the career front. Develop your deeds in a positive direction, new initiatives can be taken without any second thoughts.
Finances for the year 2011 shall remain favourably at your disposal. Projects that have not seen the light of day till now due to short come of funds shall materialize. The end of the year shall see you with a big balance of finances that can help you sail off smoothly for the next few years. Put your money into constructive use and do make sure you save some for the rainy day as well.

Marriage, Family and Love

Your relationship area shall have a conducive atmosphere for positive developments.Try to express yourself in a more emotional and personal way to your loved one.Peace and tranquillity shall prevail in your love front for the year.Stick to your values and do not be taken for a ride. This is the time to put forward anything that you have been keeping a secret for too long. Your patience cannot bear any longer. Things shall turn favourable for you around the middle of the year. Do not hastily settle down in a relationship, instead weigh all the pros and cons before settling down.


You shall command good health and cheer for the year 2011. But do not complacent when it comes to exercising or taking food. Avoid fatty foods to a greater extent else you might land up in some liver disorders. Continuous monitoring of the health of family members is also much needed for this period. This way you can avoid unwanted medical expenditure to a greater extent.

Virgo 2011
Basic Characteristics of Virgo
Individuals born under Virgo zodiac sign are usually of a medium height, delicate structure and attractive. Most of them have a long nose and sharp voice. Such people have a very pleasant voice, shy personality, kind nature and live as per a fixed set of rules. Virgo individuals are extremely intelligent and have a very sharp memory. Once they set their mind on something, they pursue it with fierce determination and more often than not, achieve their aim.
Virgos are very attached to their family and have great respect for their family members, especially their father. Some of them have a childhood that is full of struggles and achieve happiness and success in the later years of life. Such individuals are very talented and have a creative bent of mind. They can become successful writers too. Virgo individuals are very critical about everything and everyone and seek perfection in whatever they do.

General Astrological Predictions for Virgo in 2011

An accelerated growth is likely for you in all spheres this 2011. Your internal security might be at risk and hence maintain caution in this sphere. Better safety is assured when you consolidate matters at hand. Material benefits shall not entice you and you get into a more spiritual phase in life. Move your projects in a positive direction for better results. Relationships are likely to stagnate without much fanfare.

Career and Finance

Your projects are likely to move in a o positive direction. Team efforts shall give good rewards hence go with the gang. A change of authority is likely for you this year which might hamper your performance. Do not heed to this and instead move in your own pace. Do some research in your area of interest which might be beneficial for the long run. General career trends seem to be satisfactory for most of the year ahead.
Much landed and material benefits shall come for you this year 2011. Financial progress is foreseen and important purchases are made towards the middle of the year. It night be the long awaited house or the luxury care that had been in your mind for long. Your audacity shall certainly pay you with rich dividends. Financial partnership shall do well especially with partner or spouse. Sit down and plan with him/ her of the future at large. A generally trouble-free year from the financial point of view.

Marriage, Family and Love

If single the year 2011 shall see you settle down in a comfortable married life or with a supporting partner. Possessiveness is likely to wreak havoc on your relationships and hence try to keep yourself cool. Do not make important decisions related to relationships instead make efforts to strengthen the bonds that have been already made. Doubts and misunderstandings are to be avoided at all costs this period for betterment of ties with partner/ spouse. Be optimistic on the love front though occasional hitches might creep in now and then. Bring out the passionate person in you.


Your energy levels would be high this year and so would be your spirits. But do not strain too much as you might end up losing steam towards the end of the year. You might think as if you are able to move mountains but even turning a mole would become a tireless job in the end. Nervous tensions are possible then. Make sure that you take a break towards the end of the year. General health remains satisfactory. Do take time to exercise and keep a tab of what goes in. Cut down on carbohydrates that might land you in trouble.

Libra 2011
Basic Characteristics of Libra
Individuals born under Libra zodiac sign usually have a fair complexion and attractive looks. They have medium to tall height and are of a very jolly nature. Librans have a great sense of fairness and cannot tolerate any injustice. They live by rules and are very sociable by nature. They are ruled by the planet Venus, which signifies beauty, prosperity and luxury. Librans are very intelligent and have a very stunning imagination.
Librans usually get opportunities to travel throughout the country as well as the world. As far as physical strength is concerned, most of the Librans are blessed with it. Infact, this helps them in undergoing lots of hard work, which in turn helps them in achieving their dreams and ambitions. You will see dramatic changes in their personalities after they get married. Librans also have a bent towards the finer things in life, like arts and music.

General Astrological Predictions for Libra in 2011

This year 2011 shall see you settle down in life with a partner, you shall be starting the long awaited venture that had been put off for a long time, etc. Do not run off from contracts that are hard to achieve. The hard toil pout in shall reward you ultimately. The end of the year might see you in a painful situation that might cause a permanent mark in your relationship. Beware of the wolf in the sheep’s clothing.

Career and Finance

Career related work might become too complicated to handle. Business pursuits might also meet with unwanted impediments. Keep a tab of your financials. Try best to use the time at your disposal effectively. Overseeing deadlines might tarnish your image for the worst. Concentrate on the work at hand and get goodwill of authorities and peers. Sort out your colleagues for long term relationships.
Financial stability is much needed for you this year 2011. You would have had a hard time juggling your finances the last few years. This is not the right perspective to continue unwarranted. Reorganize your financial strategy, avoid extravaganza, give importance to priorities in life and save for the future. Re-jiggle your finances so that you forego some of your pleasures as well. They can wait for some more time. Socialising needs to be kept minimal and do keep a tab of your financials right through the year.

Marriage, Family and Love

Love is in the air this year for you. The last year would have seen you lose your battle in this front. Don’t lie licking out your wounds. You need an emotional support, a shoulder to hang on when in need. You would get a good lead in this area now. Now that you have much experience, you can make up your mind on what’s good for you and what’s not. The middle of the year shall help you into a harmonious relationship. The end of the year might see you in a combative spirit in the relationship area. Do stay calm and patience shall see you through the hitches.


Your health for the year 2011 shall remain generally good. The planetary positions are favourable for you so that there are no concerns in the field of health. Keep a balance between stress and strain and make sure you do not expend all your energy at one go. Mental health shall be in harmony once you wean off your bad feelings and channelize it towards positive interests development. Optimum intake of food and good rest shall see you through the year in the pink of your health.

Scorpio 2011
Basic Characteristics of Scorpio
People born under Scorpio zodiac sign usually have an attractive personality. They are God-fearing people and believe in hard work and strong determination. Scorpio individuals are short tempered and are prone to anger. However, they do regret on the mistakes committed in their anger. They cannot stand anything against them or next to their opinion. Scorpio individuals usually have a good physical health, and are free from any major ailment. They easily achieve their dreams and ambitions with their strong will power and ability to struggle ahead.

General Astrological Predictions for Scorpio in 2011

Your interests and professional ventures continue unabated this year of 2011 too as it was in the previous years. But you ought to take the much-needed break. Your creativity shall be at it best this period. Put it into good use for financial or monetary benefits. Take a resolution not to hurt anyone around you. It makes them down and you would be into a field of guilt for the whole year. This is not a time to lie still. Keep working and relaxing alternatively.

Career and Finance

Career shall remain satisfactory and pleasant throughout the year for you. Not much of a toil would be needed but stay in track for the year ahead. Some amount of socializing shall also help in the professional field. Put your creativity into full good use rather than the back burner. Delays and hindrances probable for career related promotions and changes.
Finances need utmost caution and care for the year 2011. Timing is very important in this aspect and work out before the scenario takes you to an alarming situation. Learn how to make money and manage it giving priorities by and by. Try not to yield to everything that comes for buying. Make sure what you need urgently. Do not take risks like engaging in speculative deals for the year. Some luck and fortune might come during the end of the year right enough for you to tackle the holiday purchases.

Marriage, Family and Love

Romance and passion shall rule your love front this year. Many changes are in the offing as far as relationships are concerned, not necessarily your partner. Make sure you do not make matters worse by complicating them. The middle of the year might see you in difficult and trouble some situations in the love area but do not lose your control of matters. Have confidence in yourself and that of your love. The end of the year shall see things smoothen out and the long term future with your partner seems secure.


The year 2011 would not be that great as far as your general health trends are concerned. Your past die-hard habits shall bring some unwanted health complications or issues. Avoid too much of mental strain. Take some time off now and then to retreat into your own personal shell that shall rejuvenate you for the long run ahead. Good rest and an emotion-free work out would be much ended for you to get back on track.

Sagittarius 2011
Basic Characteristics of Sagittarius
The zodiac sign of Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter planet. Individuals born under Sagittarius sign usually have a high forehead, big ears and thin hair. They have a natural leadership quality and have bright chances of being successful in a career of politics. Sagittarians have a good physical and mental health and are extremely hard working.S
They are very intelligent and usually command respect and dignity in the society. Sagittarians have keen interest in the field of politics, astrology, law, etc. Normally, money comes easily to them and they do not have to undergo any financial pressure. They are quite religious and are always ready to help others. Sagittarians are very honest and are totally incapable of deliberate falsehood.

General Astrological Predictions for Sagittarius in 2011

The year 2011 shall bring you a new leash of life. You would be able to overcome all obstacles that seemed to be unconquerable till now. It would be an optimistic period for you with much fanfare and occasions to celebrate at home and work. A general slow down in expected during the middle of the year which might dampen your spirits. But the end of the year shall see you back with a bang. Your freedom of independence shall take a new meaning this year.

Career and Finance

Year 2011 shall give you immense opportunities to perfect yourself and your creativity to a new order in the work field. Hard work done diligently shall pay you with good rewards. Certain relationship problems shall creep in with your authorities and peers during the middle of the year. A steady flow of energy and thoughts shall take you to the road of success. Promotions and minor changes are on the cards towards the end of the year 2011.
Financials would not be a great burden for you as the last year was. A general progress in your financial standing is predicted for the year. Foresight is the much needed keyword for you in the financial sector. Plan your long term commitments and work accordingly for trouble-free year.

Marriage, Family and Love

Your relationship be it with a partner or with a spouse or with a child in the family shall see new circumstances. New bonds would be created and the time is ripe and favourable for a new direction. Romance in your love life would be mitigated at the middle of the year. Patience is much needed in relationships and you would find circumstances that would strengthen bonds with your partner. The degree of your attractiveness increases by the day this year. Reconciliations and rapprochements shall pass off peacefully. Some sacrifice would be called for during the year in your area of relationships.


Your health needs utmost care for the year ahead. Much of your energy needs to be expended for the year. Your approach towards hygiene, diet and exercise shall take on a new meaning. But it does not mean that you would escape minor ailments. They shall continue to bother you throughout the year on a milder scale. The last quarter shall see you in good physical and mental health than the rest of the period.

Capricorn 2011
Basic Characteristics of Capricorn
The zodiac sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn planet. Capricorn individuals are usually of a medium height and have sharp features. They have an attractive personality with black hair and slender waist. These individuals are short tempered. They have an enthusiastic nature, but can easily enter into arguments and disputes.
Capricorn individuals have a great respect for their father and are always ready to do anything for him. They are very intelligent and their intelligence helps them in achieving success in life. They usually have a strong financial position and respect in the society. Capricorns are not very social by nature and prefer to avoid huge crowds. Infact, they avoid visiting to the places where they are likely to encounter a large crowd.

General Astrological Predictions for Capricorn in 2011

The year 2011 shall help you to diversify your interests on a large scale be it the personal ones or professional ones. More opportunities shall come in for rest and relaxation and thus you would be able to revitalise your inner spirits. Tolerance and patience would be much needed for the period. Material possessions shall saturate for you and you would be able to concentrate on humanitarian deeds like social and charity works.

Career and Finance

Teamwork rather than an individual approach would be rewarding in the career front for you this year. Success is on the cards when you work with a group with common interests. Do take time to listen to other’s opinion and ideas. They come along way to reinforce your professional exposure. But innovation needs to be done on a personal note. Try not to earn the wrath of authorities and colleagues in the work field. Do work with a long term-approach.
Your finances would improve a lot on a positive scale this year. If you put in much effort you can certainly increase your standard of living in your current society. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your financial savings. Avoid rash decisions in the financial front. Though you seem to be well-versed in the financial area you might land up in troubled waters. An important financial deal towards the end of the year shall see you in a major revamped mode. Financial success is very close by.

Marriage, Family and Love

Your love life shall at last see balance and serenity this year. The last year particularly had been a turbulent period in the relationship area for you. But do not yield to any sort of flattering, instead be a source of guidance and protector for your loved one. Do show or explain your desires and wishes to your partner. A better harmonious period awaits you with your partner towards the middle of the year. Do not forget the road you had already travelled, past partners might be lurking around, hence maintain a note of caution.


Your energy levels need to be increased for better prospects in life. A general slow and steady approach is better else you would lose steam at the end of the race. Patience is much needed for this period as also a tab of your diet and exercise. Quit all the bad habits you have related to health. The end of the year shall see a new you thanks to your radical changes in the health front

Aquarius 2011
Basic Characteristics of Aquarius
Those who are born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius are usually of a medium height and have a whitish complexion. They have a prominent nose, high cheekbones and a husky voice. The personality of such individuals attracts the other people, very easily. Aquarians hate dishonesty and treachery. They do not like taking or giving loans and are always concerned about the interests of others.
The common career choices for them include scientific research, legal work, photography, etc. They are usually quite inclined towards their religion and may undertake pilgrimages also. Aquarians are very hard working and intelligent and are expected to attain fame and fortune in their life. They get fascinated by art and literature. Indeed, Aquarians often turn out to be brilliant orators.

General Astrological Predictions for Aquarius in 2011

The year 2010 would be a generally serene and calm year for the Aquarians. Your approach to anything in the personal or professional field would be much softer and lighter. You shall learn to take everything on a lighter vein. Others around you shall be surprised to see a great change in you. Socialising shall keep you engaged for most of the year. Weight down your past misfortunes, confront the present and create a secure future for you and your loved ones. A peaceful year ahead is in for you, in general.

Career and Finance

Career shall be in a new excited phase for you this year. Your relationships with authorities and peers would be strengthened and your knowledge base in the area of interest would be widened. Any un-stability in the professional field that had been haunting you for quite some time now shall vanish into thin air. Towards the middle of the year, there would be opportunities galore for you to expand. Good relationships can be expected with team members. Your determination to succeed shall see through most of the year unharmed. Hard work shall pay rich dividends during the course of the year.
You need to work to keep your financial position under order this year. Some unfortunate events are likely in the financial area for you this year. But do not lose your cool. A well-planned approach shall see you back on track. Rectify any minor errors that might hinder your financial progress. Your hard work and perseverance are your best assets. Avoid unwanted expenditure and prepare the ground for a rainy day ahead.

Marriage, Family and Love

You need to enter into good understanding and commitment with your partner to enable stability in the relationship. Your attitude towards your partner is likely to change altogether this year. You shall learn the intricacies involved in expressing your love concerns. Singles have a positive period ahead for locating an ideal partner for life. Pleasant moments in the love field are forecast for you this year. Patience and tension-free approach are much needed to keep the relationships already in place going.


Health would fare better for you when compared to the previous year. Your energy levels increase this year on a positive note. Enjoy life and take a positive stance in whatever you do and this would stimulate your physical self to do better than expected. The middle of the year shall bring in a major health concern that calls for medical expenditure on a larger scale. Towards the end of the year, you shall be back to your healthy self. Diet and a good mental make-up would be the need of the hour then.

Pisces 2011
Basic Characteristics of Pisces
The zodiac sign of Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. Pisces individuals usually have a fair complexion, healthy face and tall height. Their eyes are exceptionally beautiful and they are quite good-looking. Pisceans have a healthy body and a very sharp mind. Their personality is such that they seem to be always introducing new thinking in their life as well as in the society. They always attract other people also towards their new way of thinking.
Pisceans have deep respect and love towards their family members, especially their father. They are always ready to do anything for the well-being of their family. As far as love matters are concerned, they are very simple and emotional. Pisces individuals are adaptable and have the ability of to change themselves as per the changing times. Neither do they do, nor do they tolerate injustice. Usually, Pisces individuals excel in the field of art, acting, teaching and food industry. Pisceans are generally found to be very intuitive, hard working and intelligent.

General Astrological Predictions for Pisces in 2011

The year 2011 shall bring in much intimacy in your relationships. You need to defend your position assertively at times. But maintain caution not to damage the delicate bonds that exist in relationships. In general the year would be one of calm and harmony. Your ideals and ambitions would be met partially much to your favour. Keep your balance in all aspects of life.

Career and Finance

Success is yours for the asking this year. Your greatest asset would be socialising nature that would help other’s thoughts and ideals to coincide with yours. You would be able to achieve your goal this year in the professional field without much effort. Trust in your instincts and this would be the best time to excel in your field. You deserve to be appreciated by authorities towards the end of the year for the hard work put in.
Finances would be a source of concern during the year 2011. You need to change your attitude from carefree to cautious in this area. Keep a tab of what and why you spend and think twice about the future before digging into your purse.

Marriage, Family and Love

Your most romantic dreams in life shall yield fruits this year. The first few months shall ask for your compromise on your freedom as far as relationships are concerned. Do give what is due for your partner. The middle of the year shall see much magnetism in you which shall be able to keep the relationships going. But ensure that your partner is reliable to get along all through your life. Radical changes can be expected in this area during the end of the year. For those single ones out there, time is ripe to locate your ideal other half. Do think twice if you are planning to severe any relations. Split milk cannot be taken back.


Your health would be at its best than the previous few years. This is thanks to your new satisfied emotional make-up. You are bound more by family ties than ever and this helps you to tick on a positive note. Certain digestive and nervous disorders are probable during the middle of the year but with minor impacts on your life. Take care of your diet and mental health for a positive and healthy 2011. Three cheers for a healthy you