horoscope studies


The ancient knowledge on astrology and application of astral remedies can be traced back to centuries. Jyothi means light or flame.Ish means god. Jyothish means lord of the light. Vidya means knowledge. Jyothish Vidya is the study of all aspects of planets and luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. Jyothish Vidya (Astrology) is prevalent and applicable for the benefit of humanity from time immemorial and its origin can be traced to the origin of life through the mythological and religious revelations. Hindu gods and their incarnations were using this knowledge as found in Hindu religion books known as epics. Similarly, we find the mention of predictions by knowledgeable people having divine knowledge even by Lord Jesus Christ around the time of last supper.


The basis of astrology is Karma theory. Whatever we have to get or face in this life is based on the planetary influences arising in our horoscopes. The horoscope is map of the heavens (planets) plotted on a paper like a map in the twelve signs of zodiac placed in twelve number of houses. From this map of heavens we can read the planetary influences on human beings as also the amount of free will. The strength of Sun, Mars, Jupiter and the lord of the third house or the planets in the third house show the magnitude of free will.

The humanity has been blessed by divine revelations through the sacred knowledge on various aspects of life including that of the science of light, known as Vedic Astrology. The Vedic knowledge is contained in four sacred books, known as Vedas and six additional sections known as Vedangas. These Vedas and Vedangas are the oldest documents describing hymns, sacred incantations, philosophy, religion and literature. The knowledge contained in Vedas and Vedangas is the source of inspiration for the scholars in various fields all over the world. These were organised by Rishis – saints having divine vision – for the benefit of the humanity.

The principles of Vedic astrology were narrated to their disciples by Rishis and as the fountain head is known as Maharishi Parashara in Dwapara Yuga. As per Indian mythology prior to Kaliyuga, the present era started over 5000 years back, there were the eras of Satyuga, Treta Yuga and Dwapara Yuga. Brihat Parashara Hora contains principles for prediction and palliatives (planetary remedies). In Kaliyuga there had been many commentators in classical age and in modern age.

The principles of Vedic astrology were based on the observed astronomical phenomenon which helped in predicting. Vedic Jyothish consists of observational astronomy; astronomical and astrological calculations; natal or birth astrology; prasna or horary astrology; muhurta or auspicious time; and nimita – means interpretation of omens. Planetary influences are indicators of events in life. Planetary influences can also be changed, it is believed, to some extent through planetary remedies.

These days we have the benefit of observatory for giving us the authenticated data on observational astronomy and we have the benefit of computes and software for astronomical and astrological calculations which are necessary for study of birth astrology, prasna astrology where birth details are not known and muhurta (identifying auspicious times for starting various significant events in life; e.g. progeny matters, marriage, starting business ventures, joining jobs, surgery, etc. etc.


QUESTION 1:. Can you just tell us what Astrology is about?
Answer: Astral remedies are essence of astrology. Astrology is an art of interpreting the reputed esoteric influence of stars/planets on human affairs. It is called divine science and it enables one to peep into the mysterious future. It has branches like horoscope reading, palmistry, transit, prasna, varshphala etc. The most accurate one is the horoscope reading which is linked to the birth time of the individual. In this system, the planetary position at the birth time is noted for inferring/ interpreting the results of the planets. There are different systems in operation and the best one is the Hindu system of Astrology. In this system also there are number of sub-systems or schools of thought but the most time tested is the one given by Maharishi Parasara with changes mutatis mutandis for the current era. There have been numerous commentators, both classical and modern and at the present juncture, the subject is being read by interested readers all over the world through Parasari System. Brihat Jatak, Phaladipika, Saravali, Jatakdesh Marg, Jatak Parijat etc., are commentaries on the Parasari system. Comprehension of the system from the classical text is somewhat difficult and the attempt of the author is to initiate the interested readers for easy comprehension of the subject.

QUESTION 2. What are its applications ?


a) Business Applications of Astrology

Apart from offering help for physical fitness, horoscope reading has variety of other applications. Not only it helps in chartering the course of lives of persons but also helps in chartering the course of business enterprises, institutions and nations. The only requirement is the moment of coming into existence of a particular person, organization or a nation. It removes uncertainties and reveals opportunities.
The success of any business enterprise depends on its managers and their sincerity to the enterprise. The biggest risk, business is encountered with is the expected and actual performances of the top managers. Horoscopes reading provides advance insight in the trustworthiness, intelligence,physical fitness, leadership alertness to identify and utilize opportunities for growth and diversification, etc of the persons being considered for appointment as business managers.
Professionals recruited using scientific methods of induction and proper placement generally fail to fulfill performance and expectations. The large sums of money are spent on advertisements, selection etc. A few years back a large governmental organization in India, employing more than 25,000 employees in five plants ventured recruitment of a batch of first class qualified engineers and management trainees. After a heavy advertisement campaign on all India basis, short listing by a firm of psychological consultants and interviews, 150 engineers were selected at a direct cost of about 50,000 per head. The sad part of the story was that 60% of the new recruits deserted the company within three months of their joining. The company later on attributed these to hostile organizational climate and inadequate and irksome service conditions. How can the deserters, who could not solve their own internal problems, encounter and adopt the new organizational problems. Instead of the fighting spirit, they withdrew from the scene. It clearly shows that something lacked in the so called scientific methods of selection. Horoscope reading can act as a third eye for the investment makers and enable them in hiring right persons for the job.
It is a new dimension as hitherto the role of horoscope reading had been thought to be only in the case of physical or mental problems, match making, etc. It can help business in the fields of recruitment of personnel, investment decisions, new product launch, entering into new collaboration arrangements, scanning general and political environment for the business enterprise. 

QUESTION 3:. What are the basis of Horoscopic Analysis ?

Answer: The Hindu system of Astrology is based on the premise that the natal position of planets is dependant on the past karma of the human beings and gives complete picture of the life of the person concerned. It also believes that the horoscope /natal chart of the person tells us whether the malefic influences can be warded off or reduced. It believes in strengthening the weak planets to augment their full effects and to reduce the extent of miseries. 

QUESTION 4:. What is Horoscope Reading ?

Answer: Horoscope reading is as important as having a child immunized against dreaded diseases. Horoscope reading means reading of the divine message regarding the trends in the life of a person. No science on earth other than the horoscope reading, can reveal the mysteries of life. Horoscope is a record of the planetary movement noted for the time and date of birth with reference to a particular place. Our lives are threatened with dreaded diseases for which we do not have a treatment in spite of the spectacular advancement in the medical sciences. The reason is that the worldly sciences cannot control the natural phenomenon. The divine message offers remedies through astrological remedial measures.
Majority of astral-remedy seekers turn to the divine science for the help after fruitlessly trying all other worldly remedies. The problem faced can be in any of the spheres of life. It can be physical, psychological, material or spiritual pursuits. We all believe in the phrase, "prevention is better than cure". Turning to astral- remedies in the end puts us to an irretrievable loss of time and opportunity for corrective measures in the beginning. Horoscope reading at the time of the birth can guide us about the weak areas and the physical diseases to which one is vulnerable. Astral-remedies are suggested which can save one from growth of cancerous diseases, addiction to drugs or other simple means of intoxication , AIDS, etc.
The various aspects of human life are governed by the position of planets as noted down at the time of birth in the form of a horoscope. It is the weakness and affliction to weak planets which causes problems in life. The weakness of planets can be guarded against by use of astral-remedial measures. Identification of weak, afflicting and afflicted planets is very easy and the methodology has been explained by the author in his book, " SELF-LEARNING COURSE IN ASTROLOGY ", published by M/S.Sagar Publications. 

QUESTION 5:. Once we know about the future can we change the luck or the planetary influences ?

Answer: The problems in life are caused by weak planets and/or afflictions to them. Therefore, two way application of astral remedies is administered after diagnosing the problematic planetary influences in a chart. Firstly, the strength can be provided by various methods, for example, stones, colour therapy, KAVACH (the protective shield or yantra containing mystical numbers of the planets) in an auspicious time. Secondly, the malevolence of the functionally malefic planets is reduced by offering propitiatory charities concerning these planets. The two way application helps in reducing the impact of malefic planetary influence(s) to a large extent. The preventive use of astral remedies is much more useful than the curative astral remedies.

QUESTION 6:. Can you explain the astrological remedies please?

Answer: Real benefit of astral remedies.
Generally, people resort to astral remedies in the end after trying all other therapies and ignoring the distinct advantage of preventive diagnostic power of the astrological science. Needless to stress, the benefit of preventive medicine/redressable measures is always better than that of the curative measures. For both curative and preventive remedies-the judicious mixture of the astral remedies is applied. 

QUESTION 7:. How colours can be used as remedies ?

Answer: COLOUR THERAPY : This is a very potent preventive remedy for epilepsy, mental retardation, psychic problems, etc, and is practised through the use of favourable colours in the matters of dress and furnishings in one's living room. 

QUESTION 8:. What are the components of astrology? Can you please explain briefly?

Answer: MAJOR CONSTITUENTS OF THE SYSTEM : The divine science of astrology has four major constituents, i.e. signs, houses, planets and planetary periods. It will be in the fitness of things if the four constituents of the system are briefly discussed for developing the understanding for learning the Hindu system of astrology through the Systems' Approach propounded by Vedic Astrologer & Author V K Choudhry.
A. SIGNS : The first constituent of the system is signs. They are twelve in number and are ruled by the planets, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

B.HOUSES : The second constituent of the system is houses. These are twelve in number and each of the twelve houses of the horoscope deals with specific significations. The significations of houses fructify under the planetary periods connected with them.

C.PLANETS : The third constituent of the system is planets. The planets signify various things which have to be learnt by heart. For example, the Sun is personified as a king in the planetary cabinet. ... Persons having the Moon , the significator of mind, in the sign of the Sun would have the mental frame of enjoying life like a king i.e of thinking big. The Sun signifies father, husband and children. He also signifies heart and the stomach as physical parts of the body. Similarly, various significations are attached to various planets. The Sun and the Moon are luminaries but have also been referred to as planets in our texts.

Additionally, planets govern the house(s) in a nativity where their signs fall. For example, if the sign Leo falls in the 8th house, the Sun would rule the significations of the 8th house. The Sun and the Moon govern one sign each of the Zodiac whereas the remaining planets govern two signs each. Each planet has one sign as its mooltrikona sign which helps in identifying the functional nature of the planets as per its placement.

D.PLANETARY PERIODS : The fourth constituent of the system is planetary periods. Though various types of planetary periods for specific combinations in a nativity are mentioned in classical texts, we will here consider only Vimshotari dasa which is universally applicable for all sets of combinations in a nativity. Based on the longitudes of the Moon in the natal charts, we calculate the operational major period of a particular planet and the balance period yet to be operational.The planets as per their strength in a horoscope give results of the significations/houses ruled by them in their own sub periods.

1. Weak planets;
2. Badly placed planets;
3. Afflicted planets;
4. Prolonged transit affliction to weak natal planets;
5. Transit of slow moving planets - Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn in malefic houses;
6. Sub periods of functional malefic planets.

1. Placement of planets;
2. Close conjunction of planets with other planets;
3. Close conjunction of planets with most effective point of houses;
4. Close aspects with other planets;
5. Close aspects with the most effective point of houses.


Here you will be introduced to the terminology of Hindu astrology to enable you to comprehend the system.  The astronomy relevant to predictive astrology will be discussed in the first place.
ECLIPTIC : Ecliptic is the apparent path of the Sun.
Zodiac is an imaginary belt in the heavens extending to 9º on both sides of ecliptic containing 12 signs of 30º each. The first sign starts from 0º of the sign Aries (Mesha) and extends to 30º. Each degree can be divided into 60 minutes, and each minute can be divided into 60 seconds for the purpose of precision in calculations.
From the earth, the signs appear to be moving in a clockwise motion. The earth has two revolutions: one around the Sun which is completed in 365,25 days, and the other around its own axis which is completed in 24 hours. Due to earth's movement around the Sun, when the Sun is viewed in the background of the zodiac it appears from the earth that the Sun moves/rotates at the speed of 1º per day in an anti-clockwise direction. The other revolution of the earth i.e. around its own axis causes rise of all the 12 signs in the horizon or east in a period of 24 hours.
The zodiac is also divided into 27 nakshatras (constellations) consisting of groups of fixed stars. The names and extent of nakshatras in zodiac are being separately indicated in the table appended at the end of the book.

Equinox is the time when the Sun apparently crosses the equator and the day and the night are equal. It is believed that when the Sun touches its equinoctial point of zero degree of Aries, the earth moves westward with reference to a particular constellation. The zodiac seen or measured from the beginning of Aries from the westward moving equinoctial point is known as moving or tropical zodiac. When zero degree of Aries is reckoned from a particular star, the same is known as fixed or sidereal zodiac. The Vedic system of Astrology uses the concept of fixed zodiac and that is why the Sun enters Aries almost on identical dates every year. In the Vedic system of Astrology, when we are speaking of various signs we are actually speaking about the fixed constellations with the same name. The Vedic system of Astrology is known as Nirayana System.
The ayanamsa is the distance between the fixed and the moving zodiacs.
We measure time based on the concept of the solar day. It is defined as an average time period of the successive passages of the Sun over a given meridian. It is exactly 24 hours and is known as the mean solar day.
The time required for a 360 degree rotation of the earth around its axis, causing a given star in the sky to return to the same position in relation to the earth is known as the sidereal day and this period is about 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
The Ascendant or Lagna is that point in the zodiac which rises at the time of birth of a person with reference to the place of birth.The position of planets in the zodiac is noted with reference to the earth.
The ascendant is the first house in a horoscope and the rest of the houses are reckoned from it.

The functional nature of the planets in a birth chart is identified through the ascendant. The functional nature helps in identifying the strength of planets and the planets which cause unfavorable influences in the birth chart. The ascendant helps us in identifying the strong aspects of life and the aspect of life under stress including health. The astrological remedial measures for various life problems are recommended on the basis of the functional nature of the planets. 


Planetary longitude is the angular distance measured eastward on the ecliptic from the starting point of the fixed zodiac and it gives the apparent position of the planet in a particular sign at a given time.


Longitude is the angular distance of any place on the earth's surface, east or west of a standard meridian (e.g. that of Greenwich), measured in degrees up to 180º east or west, or in units of time (1 hour = 15º). With the help of the longitude of a particular place with reference to Greenwich (0º), we calculate the local mean time for that place. As the earth rotates from west to east (anti-clockwise), those places east of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich Time and those to the west will be behind Greenwich Time. For each degree of longitude, there is a difference of four minutes in time.


Latitude is the angular distance on its meridian of any place of the earth's surface from the equator. It is measured in degrees and minutes from the equator towards either the North Pole or the South Pole. The equator represents 0 degree latitude. Latitudes are thus lines drawn parallel to the equator.

Note:Even if you find it difficult to understand astronomical terms, you can proceed with further study. The lack of clear understanding of the astronomical terminology will not create hurdles in your understanding of the Predictive Astrology. Predictive Astrology and Astronomy are two different sciences. Predictive Astrology is based on Astronomy but the deep knowledge of Astronomy is not at all necessary for predictive analysis.
Natal chart or radical chart or horoscope or natal positions are the positions of the ascendant and planets in various signs as noted for the time of the birth. Natal positions, therefore, are fixed. The planetary positions noted with reference to a particular chart for subsequent periods are known as transits or transit positions. .
Conjunction is the apparent coincidence or proximity of two or more celestial objects as viewed from the earth. The conjunction can be exact or close. If the difference in longitudes happens to be less than one degree, the resulting conjunction is known as an exact conjunction. If the difference in longitudes is within five degrees, the same is known as a close conjunction.
The aspects are partial and full. In the Vedic system of Astrology, we are concerned with only full aspects. Each planet is believed to aspect fully the seventh house, reckoned from the placement of the former.
In addition to this i.e. the seventh aspect, planets posited outside the orbit of the earth as well as Rahu and Ketu have additional special full aspects as under:
a)  Saturn aspects third and tenth houses from its location.
b)  Mars aspects fourth and eight houses from its location.
c)  Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu aspect fifth and ninth houses from their location.
Planets influence other houses/planets aspected by them favorably or unfavorably, depending upon their functional nature in the horoscope. The principle of exact or close aspect is identical to exact or close conjunction i.e. when a planet casts its aspect on another planet(s) or on the most effective point of house(s) within an orb of one degree, the aspect is known as an exact aspect. If the difference in planetary longitudes is within five degrees, then the aspect is known as a close aspect.

The conjunctions or aspects with more than five degrees of longitudinal difference are wide conjunctions or aspects. These do not have permanent impact in life except the short lived transit influences on the planets involved in wide conjunctions or aspects. The wide aspects give their results in later part of life, say around 60 years or after.

The aspect of the planet will be effective corresponding to the strength of the planet. If the aspecting planet is weak due to any reason including debilitation its effectiveness will be weak and limited.

The close aspect of a functional malefic will act as a damaging force and the close aspect of a functional benefic will act as a helping force.
The general significations of a planet mean the aspects ruled by that planet. For example, the Sun rules father, status of the native, heart, digestive system, etc., irrespective of the lordship of the Sun in a particular nativity. The particular significations of a planet mean the significations of its mooltrikona house, the significations of its natal house and the significations of its transiting house i.e. the house where its mooltrikona sign is placed, the house where the planet is placed in the natal chart and the house where the planet is placed in transit.

The results of the significations of a weak planet fructify with delay and suffer whenever that weak planet is afflicted due to close aspect or conjunction with any functional malefic planet. The natal affliction causes damages in the entire sub-periods of the weak planet and the afflicting planets while the transit affliction cause short term damages during that effective transit influence.

The planetary avasthas are the conditions in which a planet is placed.  The prominent avasthas and the results produced are as under :
a)   INFANCY:  Whenever the longitude of a planet in a particular sign is less than 5 degrees, it is said to be in the state of infancy. Such a planet is incapable of fully promoting/protecting its general and particular significations.
b)   OLD AGE:    Whenever the longitude of a planet in a particular sign is more than 25 degrees, it is said to be in the state of old age. Such a planet is incapable of fully promoting/protecting its general and particular significations.
c)   OWN SIGN:  A planet in its own sign is treated as strong and is capable of generating the expected results, provided it is otherwise strong.

d)   MOOLTRIKONA SIGNS  : : A planet in its mooltrikona (MT) sign is treated as very powerful, provided it is otherwise strong.

Under the Systems' Approach, the mooltrikona signs of various planets are as under:


e)   EXALTATION:  The planets are in the state of exaltation in particular signs and give good results by promoting/protecting their general and particular significations, provided they are otherwise strong.
The exaltation signs of various planets are as under :
f) DEBILITATION:  The planets are in the state of debilitation in particular signs, and therefore weak, failing to fully protect/promote their general and particular significations. Rather, there can be deterioration in their ruling sub-periods.
The debilitation signs of various planets are as follows:

According with Systems’ Approach, the dispositor is a planet in whose mooltrikona sign another planet is located in the natal chart. Suppose in a natal chart the Sun is placed in the sign Libra ruled by Venus. In this case Venus will be the dispositor of the Sun. No planet which is in a non- mooltrikona sign will have a dispositor i.e. the planet(s) in Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces have no dispositor. If a planet is posited in Aries, its dispositor would be Mars; if a planet is posited in Cancer, its dispositor would be the Moon; if a planet is posited in Leo, its dispositor would be the Sun; if a planet is posited in Virgo, its dispositor would be Mercury; if a planet is posited in Libra, its dispositor would be Venus; if a planet is posited in Sagittarius, its dispositor would be Jupiter; and if a planet is posited in Aquarius, its dispositor would be Saturn
g)   COMBUSTION:  Whenever a planet comes very near to the Sun, it is divested of its brightness (luster). The said state is called combustion. While in the state of combustion, the planets fail to fully protect/promote their general and particular significations. If such a planet is weak on other accounts too, the significations ruled by them do not even take birth.
The planets are said to be combust when they are within the below mentioned degrees on either side of the sun.
Frequently Asked Questions


1. If the Sun is a functional benefic planet, is the combust planet always considered weak?

Let us first understand the combustion as a concept. Whenever a planet comes very near to the Sun, it is divested of its brightness (luster). The said state is called combustion. While in the state of combustion, the planets lack power to protect and promote the significations/houses ruled by them. If such a planet is weak on other accounts too, the significations ruled by them do not even take birth. The planets are said to be combust when they are within the below mentioned degrees on either side of the Sun.

When both the Sun and the combust planet are functional benefic planets and are closely conjunct, we have to see their two roles distinctively. Firstly, as the lords of the two auspicious houses they rule. The significations of both of these houses will flourish and will be connected to each other except the short run transit malefic influences which will stress the combust planet comparatively more than the Sun. Secondly, the role of a combust planet. The combust planet is considered as a weak planet but in case the Sun and planet(s) involved are functional benefic planets, the weakness of the combust planet(s) is operative only at the time of natal or transit afflictions.

2. Can we call the combust planet "Weak"?

Yes. The weakness due to combustion gives high and low tides in life and need astral strength for the planets to enable them to fight natal and / or transit afflictions.

3. We understand that when combust, a planet will transfer its significations to the Sun. Right? Does that mean that if, say, the lord of the sixth gets combust, the Sun will take on its qualities of dispute, conflict, and injury, even if their orb of conjunction is more than 6 degrees?

If a functional malefic planet closely influences any other planet or the Sun, a functional malefic planet will certainly color the significations of the planet under its influence, negatively.

4. Is there ever a time when the transit influence continues for a longer duration?

Generally, the maximum limit of transit influences is around four months when Rahu/Ketu axis is stationary.

5. As for the Sun, to what extent the influence of the combust planet helps as the combust planet will be weak and not in a position to help the Sun?

When both the Sun and the combust planet are functional benefic planets and are closely conjunct, one should see their role as the lords of the two houses they rule. The significations of both of these houses will flourish and will be connected to each other except the short run transit malefic influences which will stress the combust planet comparatively more than the Sun.

6. In a situation, where the dispositor of the Sun is combust, the Sun indirectly hurting itself by causing combustion to its own dispositor, would there be more weakness to both dispositor of the Sun and Sun itself, if Sun was a functional malefic planet for the ascendant in question?

That is right.
h) IN FRIENDLY SIGNS:  When planets occupy the signs of their friendly planets, they are happy and feel free to produce results,  if they are otherwise strong.  The Sun, the Moon and Mars are friends and Jupiter is their preceptor.  Saturn, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are friends and Venus is their preceptor.
I)   IN INIMICAL SIGNS:  When planets occupy signs of their enemies, they do not find themselves comfortable to produce results expected of them. However, any sign from where a particular planet aspects its own mooltrikona sign is an exception to this rule and a planet in such a state does not find itself restricted to produce results.
j)   AFFLICTED PLANETS:  The afflictions to the planets or houses are caused by the close conjunction or aspect of the functional malefic planets in a nativity. Whenever a planet/house is already weak for any other reason and is under the close influence of any functional malefic, it is treated as an afflicted planet/house. But when the planet/house is not weak for other reasons, it can be considered afflicted either under the exact influence of a functional malefic for normal afflictions or under the orb of influence of two degrees for special/multiple afflictions, becoming a weak planet/house for that reason. So whenever any planet/house is afflicted, it becomes weak not being capable of fully protecting/promoting its general and particular significations. The significations of the houses having mooltrikona sign of an afflicted planet are harmed more when such planets are already weak for other reasons.
k) WEAK PLANETS:  A weak planet is not capable of fully protecting/promoting its general and particular significations during the course of its sub-periods and the transit malefic influences. Any planet is considered weak if: a) it is combust due to its nearness to the Sun.
b) it occupies malefic houses from the ascendant, ( Except when in its own mooltrikona sign.)
c) it occupies its sign of debilitation.(The planets are considered weak for all purposes if they occupy debilitated navamsa and are considered weak for specific purposes if they occupy the corresponding debilitated amsa. For example, if any planet is strong in rasi and navamsa, but debilitated in dasamsa, it makes it weak only for the purposes of the 10th house. But being debilitated in navamsa makes it weak regarding all its general and particular significations.)
d) it is in the state of infancy or old age.
e) it occupies debilitated sign in navamsa.
f) it occupies the mooltrikona sign of a weak planet.
g) it is the Moon within 72 degrees either side of the Sun.
h) it is conjunct or aspected by any functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree.
i) the most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted by a functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree. ( It only applies to nativities where the time of birth is correct.)
j) the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is afflicted by a functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree. ( In this case, the planet should be considered weak for the purposes of its particular significations only. It only applies also if the time of birth is correct.)
NOTE: in the last three points, when the affliction is special or multiple, i.e. when it comes from:

1) a conjunction with/ aspect from the most malefic planet,
2) an aspect of a functional malefic planet placed in a malefic house,
3) a conjunction with Rahu or Ketu (Rahu-Ketu axis),
4) an aspect of a functional malefic planet afflicted by other(s) functional malefic,
5) more than one functional malefic planet at the same time,
any otherwise "strong" planet should be considered afflicted (and weak) even when the orb of affliction is of two degrees.
l) STRONG PLANETS:  A strong planet protects and promotes its general and particular significations. Any planet is considered strong when it is not in the state of weakness. It can increase its strength if:

a) its longitude is between 10º to 20º in a particular sign;
b) it occupies own or good navamsa and other divisions;
c) it is under the close influence of the strong functional benefic planets;
d) it occupies its exaltation, mooltrikona or own sign;
e) it closely influences the most effective point of the house.
According with Systems' Approach, the dispositor is a planet in whose mooltrikona sign another planet is located in the natal chart. Suppose in a natal chart the Sun is placed in the sign Libra ruled by Venus. In this case Venus will be the dispositor of the Sun. No planet which is in a non- mooltrikona sign will have a dispositor i.e. the planet(s) in Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces have no dispositor. If a planet is posited in Aries, its dispositor would be Mars; if a planet is posited in Cancer, its dispositor would be the Moon; if a planet is posited in Leo, its dispositor would be the Sun; if a planet is posited in Virgo, its dispositor would be Mercury; if a planet is posited in Libra, its dispositor would be Venus; if a planet is posited in Sagittarius, its dispositor would be Jupiter; and if a planet is posited in Aquarius, its dispositor would be Saturn.
The divisional charts (DCs) are the charts which are drawn by division of houses for specialized analysis of a particular signification; for example navamsa for considering general fortune and marriage, etc., and dasamsa for considering professional aspects in a nativity. The methodology of study of the divisional charts has been brought out in the revised edition of author's book "HOW TO STUDY DIVISIONAL CHARTS" which readers may study after they have learnt the system in general.
Yogakaraka planets are those planets which own a kendra (angle) and  a trikona (trine) in a particular nativity.  These yogakarakas are first rate functional benefics and, when strong, produce excellent results by their close association/aspects with any particular planet/house.
The following planets become yogakarakas for the ascendant (lagnas) mentioned against each :-
MARS                 CANCER  & LEO
In addition to ruling houses containing their signs, the  planets also act as significators for various houses.  The various planets act as significators for the houses indicated against each :-
SUN1st, 9th &10th houses
MOON4th house
MARS3rd &10th houses
MERCURY6th & 10th houses
JUPITER2nd, 5th, 9th & 11th houses
VENUS4th, 7th & 12th houses
SATURNAyushkaraka (longevity) i.e. for the 8th house.

How to Judge/Interpret a Horoscope


The Ascendant or Lagna is that point in the zodiac which rises at the time of birth of a person with reference to the place of birth.The position of planets in the zodiac is noted with reference to the earth.
The ascendant is the first house in a horoscope and the rest of the houses are reckoned from it.

The functional nature of the planets in a birth chart is identified through the ascendant. The functional nature helps in identifying the strength of planets and the planets which cause unfavorable influences in the birth chart. The ascendant helps us in identifying the strong aspects of life and the aspect of life under stress including health. The astrological remedial measures for various life problems are recommended on the basis of the functional nature of the planets.
The Rasi chart, which is known as birth chart or natal chart as well, can be drawn in many ways but for the purpose of our study, we will only take up two types as given below: -
1) North Indian Style
This is drawn as under: -
This is the best form of drawing a chart as it provides a very easy comprehension of the chart at a mere glimpse.It shows angles/planets placed in angles without enumeration.

North Indian Style Chart 

Angular houses have been marked here under.

The sixth, eighth and twelfth houses in a chart are known as dusthanas or malefic houses.It shows whether any planet is posited in the dusthanas. Dusthana houses have been marked hereunder:

Fifth and ninth houses are known as trines. The following chart shows the placement of planets in trines, if any, at a mere glimpse.

Even reckoning of aspects is very easy in this form of a birth chart. The Houses are always fixed and are shown below:

The lordship of the houses is reckoned from the placement of signs in a particular house. The lord of the sign placed in a particular house is called the lord of the house.The counting of houses is done in an anti clockwise direction.
In the following chart, for example, the sign Gemini rises in the Ascendant:

1) Graphical presentation of general significations of houses.

2)Graphical presentation of body parts ruled by various houses

3)Graphical presentation of blood relations ruled by various houses


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Signification of Houses
Concerning the body, the significations of each house generally correspond to the significations of the equivalent sign of the zodiac in seriatim i.e. whenever we want to examine the condition of any part of the body, the concerned house and the same number of sign should both be examined. Afflictions to houses likewise cause diseases of the connected parts.
I House
: Represents the person, his innate nature and state of health, vitality, longevity, happiness, personality, appearance, prosperity, general disposition in life, reputation and status, desires and their fulfillment and the body parts - complexion, head (cranium and forehead) and brain, hair, pituitary glands, etc. For example, weakness of the first house and/or afflictions to the first house or its lord result in a sickly constitution, causing vulnerability to headache, mental tension, paralysis, giddiness, wounds, scars, erratic activity of endocrine glands, derangement, brain fever, stupidity, nose bleeding, etc. A strong Sun and Mars, as significators for vitality and energy respectively, help as a protective cover.
II House
Represents wealth, family, livelihood, nourishment, male child, higher education, professional position, spouse, second marriage, continuance of married life, possession of precious stones and metals, money in cash, earning capacity, financial status, fortune, prosperity, movable properties, speech, vision and the body parts - face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth, tongue, teeth and eyes, especially the right one), facial bones, upper neck and its bones, gullet, larynx, cerebellum, trachea, cervical region and cervical bones, tonsils, etc. For example, weakness of the second house and/or afflictions to the second house or its lord cause vulnerability to poor digestion, disorders of speech, throat, cervical, gums, eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases mainly arising out of a weak venous system. A strong Mercury, as a significator of speech, helps as a protective cover.
III House
Represents younger brothers or sisters, neighbors, courage, physical strength, sports, initiative, entrepreneurial nature, the power of understanding (learning), communications, short journeys, initiation into spiritual techniques, writing and communicative capability and the body parts - lower neck, shoulders, arms and ears (especially the right ones), hands, shoulders and collar bones, thyroid gland, respiratory and nervous systems, etc. For example, weakness of the third house and/or afflictions to the third house or its lord cause vulnerability to problems of respiratory canal, disorders of thyroid, imbalances in the nervous system, depression resulting in partial paralysis, stammering, shoulder pains, fracture in the collar bone region, partial deafness, respiratory diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. A strong Mercury, as a significator of communicative capability, helps as a protective cover.
Role of the Third House

The third house is very important house and help the native in his education and profession. This house acts like a Mercury as well as Sun as it is the house of understanding and confidence besides communication, writing, publication and marketing. This house has verstile significations and gives the role as a leader and consultant.

IV House
Represents mother, happiness, upbringing, relatives, friends, supporters, basic education, vehicles and conveyances, domestic peace, mind, mental peace, spiritual life (ATMA), confidence, righteous conduct, close of life, comforts, luxuries, country of birth, immovable properties, real estate, land, wells and tanks, house, home, assets and the body parts - the rib cage, heart, chest, lungs and breasts. For example, weakness of the fourth house and/or afflictions to the fourth house or its lord cause vulnerability to coronary problems, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastric region, lungs' disorders, mental disorders, lunacy and the problems connected to the circulatory systems. A strong Moon as a significator of mother, Venus as significator of comforts and Mars as significator of immovable properties help as a protective cover.

The fourth house is an anchor sheet of life for the native because the fourth house has dynamic configurations. In infancy, it rules in particular the happiness from mother. In childhood, it rules education. In the grown-up stage of life, it rules assets, marital harmony, vehicles and comforts in life. When strong it gives long lived parents. Its lord is considered the most benefic planet and the house is considered as the most benefic house.
V House
Represents intelligence, emotions, discernment and discrimination, intellectual and mental talents, memory, creative intelligence, emotional happiness, love, romance, lover, speculative gains from investments, organizational ability, success, progeny, children, knowledge, wisdom, higher learning/education, training, fall from position, social life, inclinations, spiritual pursuits, disciples and students, devotion, ISHTA Devata, mantras, yantras, amulets, resources and merits we bring into life, future, digestion, etc., and the body parts - upper belly, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, colon, diaphragm, spine and spinal cord, pregnancy, etc. For example, weakness of the fifth house and/or afflictions to the fifth house or its lord cause vulnerability to diabetes, peptic ulcers, anemia, colic pains, stones in gall bladder, acidity, spinal cord disorders, dyspepsia, diarrhea, pleurisy, heart problems, etc. A strong Sun, as significator of digestion - nourishing agent of the body, helps as a protective cover.
VI House
Represents disputes, diseases and injuries, debts, enemies, opponents, competitors, thieves, fears, doubts, worries, vices, weaknesses, sound financial position, maternal uncles, service, employees, good health and protection against losses through theft, fire and cheating, misunderstandings, confrontation, litigation and the body parts - waist, navel, lower abdomen, kidneys, small intestine, upper part of large intestine, intestinal function, appendix, etc. For example, weakness of the sixth house and/or afflictions to the sixth house or its lord cause vulnerability to problems of appendicitis, poisoning, colics, constipation, hernia, blood urea, psychiatric problems, exhaustion and nervous breakdown. In other words, health, financial position and the position with reference to the opponents is identified through this house. A strong Mercury and Mars, as significators for health, help as a protective cover.
VII House
Represents long term relationships, legal ties, spouse, partners in life and partners in business, vitality, potency, fertility, passion, outgoing nature, adultery, moral conduct, pleasures, comforts and life in foreign lands, success in love affairs, conjugal life, home abroad, travel, trade or business, expansion and the body parts - pelvic girdle, lumbar region, bladder, lower part of large intestine, inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, cervix, testicles and prostate gland, etc. For example, weakness of the seventh house and/or afflictions to the seventh house or its lord cause vulnerability to generative organs, venereal diseases, arthritis, gout pains, urination problems, impotency, sterilization, renal problems, etc. A strong Venus, as significator for marital relationship, helps as a protective cover.
VIII House
Represents longevity, research, interest in mystical sciences, occult, MOKSHA, inner and outer transformations, past and future events, inheritance, death, will and testament, insurances, easy gains, marital-tie, vulnerability, fear, accidents, obstructions, litigation, bankruptcy, theft, losses, misfortunes, disgrace, disappointments and the body parts - scrotum and anus, outer sexual organs, excretory organs, pelvic bones, etc. For example, weakness of the eighth house and/or afflictions to the eighth house or its lord cause vulnerability to hidrocele, fissure, impotency, piles, urinary infections, boils, chronic diseases, etc. A strong Saturn, as significator for longevity, helps as a protective cover.
IX House
Represents father, preceptor, spiritual learning, spiritual inclinations, intuition, charity, virtue, duty, destiny on the basis of past lives and resultant happiness, meditation, foreign travel, long journeys of short duration and life in foreign lands, education abroad, grace, luck, general fortune, sudden and unexpected gains, religion, pilgrimages, philosophy, law, medicine, remedies, past, etc., and the body parts - thighs, left leg, thigh bones, bone marrow, hips, hip joints and the arterial system. For example, weakness of the ninth house and/or afflictions to the ninth house or its lord cause vulnerability to anemia, low productivity of blood, talassemia, leukemia, high fevers, diabetes, rheumatism and troubles in hips and thighs, etc. A strong Jupiter, as significator for general fortune, and a strong Sun, as significator for father, help as a protective cover.
X House
Represents profession, career, vocation, promotion, livelihood, power, fame, public esteem, status, position, honor, karma in life, character, authority, government, employer, living abroad, ambition, next birth, happiness from male progeny, debts and the body parts - knee and kneecaps, joints and bones. For example, weakness of the tenth house and/or afflictions to the tenth house or its lord cause vulnerability to arthritis, broken knees, inflammation of joints, general weakness, skin diseases and allergies, emaciated body, etc, besides giving setbacks in professional matters. A strong Sun, as significator for organizational capability, helps as a protective cover.
XI House
Represents income, prosperity, gains, profit, friends, elder brother or sister, hopes and aspirations and their fulfillment, etc., and the body parts - shanks, ankles, shin bone, right leg, left ear and left arm. For example, weakness of the eleventh house and/or afflictions to the eleventh house or its lord cause vulnerability to circulatory problems, fracture of the lower portion of legs, pain in legs, problems of low productivity of blood, cancer of leg, etc. A strong Saturn, as significator for easy sources of income, helps as a protective cover.
XII House
Represents expenses, losses, expenditures for charity, end of life, exile, life in foreign lands, obstructions in life, separation from family, going astray, withdrawal into retreat, transcendence, enlightenment, seclusion, imprisonment, hospitalization, pleasures of bed, sound sleep and work behind the scenes, as work in a hospital, asylum, prison, military quarters, or monastery, etc., and the body parts - left eye, lymphatic system and feet. For example, weakness of the twelfth house and/or afflictions to the twelfth house or its lord result in problems to the body parts governed by this house, sleep disturbances and weaken the immunization power. A strong Moon, as significator for immunization power and mental peace, and a strong Venus, as significator for happy marital relationship and comforts, help as a protective cover. Planets in the twelfth house give inclinations for going to foreign lands or distant places.
The lord of the ascendant, or the second house or the third house or the tenth house or the eleventh house in the twelfth house take one to foreign lands in connection with professional matters. The lord of the fifth house in the twelfth house takes one to foreign lands or distant places for highter studies. The lord of the fourth house or the seventh house or ninth house takes one to foreign lands for residence. The lord of the sixth house in the twelfth house brings health problems and unmanageable debts. The lord of the eighth house in the twelfth house makes one vulnerable to loss of inheritance and problems in marriage. If the planet placed in the twelfth house is weak due to debilitation, infancy or oldage and is under close affliction of the functional malefic planets then this planet brings misfortunes.
The signification of the houses fructify under the planetary sub-periods connected with them. The nature and extent of significations are dependent on three things, i.e. (1) the strength of the lord of the house, in case of mooltrikona signs; (2) the strength of the significator of the house; and (3) the influences on the house itself. The significations of the houses containing mooltrikona signs suffer if their lords and significators are weak or they or their lords or significators are under the influence of functional malefic planets. The significations of the houses containing non-mooltrikona signs suffer if their significators are weak or they or their significators are under the influence of functional malefic planets.
Under the Systems' Approach, we consider one sign per house, so the extent of each house is 30 degrees. The degree rising in the ascendant would be treated as the most effective point and the planets within 5 degree orb of the most effective point, irrespective of the house boundaries, would influence the most effective point as per their functional nature. Irrespective of the longitude of the ascending degree, the functional nature of the planets is identified with reference to the sign rising in the ascendant and the lord of the house will be the planet that rules the mooltrikona sign placed in that house. The results of the planets are analysed on the basis of placement of the planets in a particular house from the ascendant and, irrespective of their longitudinal difference from the most effective point, the planets placed in a house will be considered in that house only.
Nomenclature of Houses
Angular (Kendra) houses
The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses are called angular houses or kendra houses.
Trines (trikona) houses
The fifth and ninth houses are called trines or trikona houses.  First house is also considered as a trine.
Malefic houses (Dusthana)
The sixth, eighth and twelfth houses are called malefic houses or dusthana houses.
Benefic houses
All houses, other than the malefic houses, are treated as benefic or auspicious houses under the Systems' Approach. 

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Signification of Planets
The Sun is the king in the planetary cabinet. It is the source of light and life. It signifies father, which is the source for bringing into existence and supporting a new born in life. That is why the Sun signifies father and vitality. If the Sun is strong in a nativity, the father and vitality will help the native to grow in a healthy way. The Sun signifies also the king, the master, the government, the president of the country, highly-placed persons, administrators, contractors, chairmen of industrial establishments, physicians, chemists, pharmacists, bureaucrats, politicians, police, power, social status, progeny, male child, and is secondary significator for husband. As the Sun is personified as a king and doctor, when strong it denotes high administrative positions in government, including politics, doctors in medicine, etc., self-confidence, courage, nobility, dignity, ambition, splendor, prestige, faith, loyalty, generosity, authority, power, leadership and creativity.
The Sun is a male planet, hot, dry, constructive, satvic, pitta, and has sturdy bones. Its nature is royal, benevolent and cruel and its temperament is fixed and steady. The Sun gives a square body, majestic appearance, powerful speech, makes a person courageous and bestows administrative capabilities. Its complexion is blood red and it rules orange, pink and golden colors, the fire element, hot or pungent flavors, the sense of sight, the Sundays, the east direction, copper, gold, ruby, temples, deserts, palaces, government buildings, and towers.
The Sun represents head, body, soul, ego, intelligence, will power, clarity, self-realization, health, bone structure, constitution, blood, brain, bile, digestive fire, organ of voice, heart as life-centre, right eye for males and left eye in case of females. In case it is weak in a nativity, it gives weak eyesight, headaches, digestive disorders, erratic blood circulation, heart trouble, dental problems, bone fractures, fevers, high blood pressure, baldness, neuralgia, bone cancer, weak immune system, etc., and denotes pride, egotism, self-centeredness, pompousness, ostentation and despotism. The Sun is significator planet for vitality and life giver in any nativity, because it rules the digestive system which provides nourishment to the whole body. As the soul can be better and easily elevated if one keeps perfect health, it also represents the soul. The Sun is also general significator for employment, inheritance, mental inclinations, professional position, comforts, intelligence, easy gains, general fortune, higher education, spiritual education and spiritual life.
The Moon is the queen in the planetary cabinet. Next to the Sun, the role of the Moon is very important as it signifies mother. The mother brings up the child and is the first preceptor of the child. That is why the Moon signifies mind also. If the position of the Moon is strong in a nativity, the mother will be having sufficient resources and will bring up the child and develop the child's mental faculties in a peaceful manner. The Moon acts as a nourishing and soothing agent. It rules the senses and the emotions and gives the native the capability of looking after, which includes the fields of training, public relations, administration and soothing (physician). The Moon signifies also the queen, hoteliers, public relations, moneylenders, sailors, house-keepers, physicians, nurses, midwifes, healers, psychic abilities, eating establishments, cooks, catering and other professions that deal directly with the people at large, and is secondary significator for wife. The Moon enjoys status in administration by virtue of being the wife of the king. When strong, the native does not have to strive for acquiring status and it denotes affluence, receptivity, sensitivity, imagination, good memory, meritorious deeds and sound habits.
The Moon is a female planet, cold, moist, mild, satvic and its constitution is a mixture of vata and kapha. Its nature is royal, has auspicious looks, pleasant speech and its temperament is fickle and changeable. The Moon is volatile as it is changing its position daily. Depending upon the brightness of the Moon, while a weak Moon gives a slim body, a full Moon may give a plump body if it is connected with the ascendant or its lord in a powerful way, in isolation. Its complexion is tawny and it rules white and silver colors, the water element, salty flavors, the sense of taste, the Mondays, the northwest direction, bronze, silver, pearl, watery places, public places, hotels, hospitals and ships.
The Moon represents face, mind, consciousness, perception, feelings, tolerance, thought, intellect, receptivity, femininity, sensitivity, imagination, good memory, fertility, general weakness, emotional health and functional health as it governs fluids in body, good quality of blood and lymph, glands, tonsils, breasts, stomach, lymphatic system, face, lungs and chest. It governs the left eye in the case of males and ovaries, menstrual cycle, uterus, generative organs and right eye in the case of females. In case it is weak in a nativity, besides psychic problems it causes sleep disorders, lethargy, drowsiness, lung problems, mouth problems (including loss of taste), neurological disorders, epilepsy, water retention, blood disorders, anemia, blood-pressure, enlargement of spleen, diseases of the uterus and ovaries, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, and the native is vulnerable to frequent cough and cold, fever, lack of appetite, general weakness, etc., and denotes hyper-sensitivity, over-reaction, inability to respond and difficulty getting in touch with feelings. The Moon is also general significator for sleep, nourishment, public, social behavior, change, travel, basic education, comforts, emotional peace, family, financial solvency, happy married life, inheritance, income and gains, love and care, mental peace, milk, grains and liquids.MARS
Mars is the commander-in-chief of the planetary cabinet. It signifies courage both mental and physical. Mars denotes position in military and para-military forces, police, vocations employing fire and metals, engineering, chemicals, surgeons, dentists and executive posts. It governs gangsters, manufacturers, executioners, athletes, builders, designers, entrepreneurs, fire-fighters, martial arts, mechanics and project erectors. Mars is also the general significator of younger brothers, which adds to the strength of the native and becomes a source of strength and courage. The weakness of Mars makes a man lacking in courage and not enjoying the help and comforts from the younger brothers. When strong in the nativity, it denotes thirst for action, passion, ambition, physical strength, goal-directed energy, power to carry through, courage, bravery, heroism, competitive and fighting spirit, vim and vigor.
Mars is a male planet, dry, fiery, tamasic and pitta. Its nature is cruel, unrelenting, active and generous, and its temperament is violent, angry and rash. Mars gives short stature and a stout and well built body, red eyes and thin waist. Its complexion is blood red and it rules bright red colors, the fire element, bitter flavors, the sense of sight, the Tuesdays, the south direction, copper, red coral, places near fire, kitchens, battlefields, places for aggressive and violent or physical contests, football stadiums and military installations.
Mars represents the chest, bone marrow, blood, bile, digestive fire, intestine, forehead, neck, muscular system, acuity of vision, sinews, nose and external generative organs. When afflicting or itself being weak and/or afflicted it causes inflammations, overheating, inability to tolerate hunger, wounds, burns, accidents, fractures, piles, liver complaints, skin rashes, ulcers, lacerations, operations, all sorts of acute complaints, fevers (particularly eruptive), epilepsy, mental aberration, tumors, cancer in the muscular parts of the body when closely conjunct with Rahu, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, pox and boils, etc., and denotes anger, irritability, haste, impatience, inconstancy, lack of drive and courage, and an 'all-or-nothing' attitude. Mars is also general significator for energy, strength, enemy, army, accidents, acute diseases, aggressions, assets, immovable properties, motivation, arguments, quarrels, fights, explosives, weapons, guns, general health, mechanical or technical ability, sports and surgery.
Mercury is the prince in the planetary cabinet. It basically rules the rational mind and speech, analytical faculties, sharp intellect, power of discrimination and confidence. Personified as a thinker and knowledgeable in the field of mathematics, Mercury signifies advisory roles, astrologers, financial advisors, strategists, business, commerce, engineering and related fields, research scholars, communicators, editors, authors, accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers, experts in analytical works, software engineers, auditors, intellectuals, teachers, transporters, publishers, salesmen, traders, mediators, diplomats, authors, etc, and is the general significator of friends. When strong in the nativity, it denotes a good communicator with intelligence, rationality, imagination, wit, cleverness, skill, dexterity, verbal and mental ability, shrewdness, sound judgment, humor and flexibility.
Mercury is a eunuch planet, rajasic and tri-dosha i.e. its constitution is a mixture of vata, pitta and kapha. Its nature is royal, friendly and its temperament is volatile and versatile. Mercury has the best appearance, is witty, fond of jokes and laughter, when strong in the natal chart as lord of the ascendant. Attractive features, well proportioned body, large eyes and witticism are its significations. The complexion of Mercury is akin to that of grass and it rules green colors, the earth element, mixed or varied flavors, the sense of smell, the Wednesdays, the north direction, brass, emerald, places for sports, business, communication or transportation, airports, post offices, accounting offices, places where public but non-violent games are played, parks, libraries, bookstores and public assemblies.
Mercury represents the lower part of abdomen, skin, mind, nervous system, urinary bladder, bronchial tube, gastric juice, digestion, intestines, lungs, tongue, mouth, hands and arms. When weak, it causes psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, epilepsy, skin diseases, leucoderma, impotence, loss of memory or speech, vertigo, deafness, asthma, diseases of respiratory canal, disorders of intestines, dyspepsia, etc., and denotes difficulty in thought and communication, timidity, low self-esteem, aloofness, amorality, expediency, over-intellectualization and poor discrimination. As Mercury is weak quite frequently, whenever its sub-period is in operation in any nativity it creates tensions in life, lack of confidence, situation of indecisiveness, etc., which ultimately leads to faulty decisions. The effect is more if Mercury is weak in the natal chart as well as in transit at the time of operation of its sub-periods. It makes a person a nervous wreck and can even cause paralysis when closely afflicted by Rahu-Ketu axis, if the ascendant and its lord are also weak or the sign Virgo falls in the ascendant. Mercury is also general significator for consciousness, communications, eloquence, learning, childhood, logic, maternal uncles, potency, nervous control, respiratory functions, basic and higher education, humor, wit, mathematics, professional position, psychic ability, speculation, short journeys, books, papers, publishing and places of entertainment.
Jupiter is a minister in the planetary cabinet. It is the preceptor of the gods. Jupiter is personified as preceptor, judge and it is linked with the treasury. When strong in the nativity, it signifies the fields of top political and administrative positions, chairmen of industrial establishments, contractors, financial advisors, bankers, high administrative positions in government, kings, politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, priests, judges, teachers, astrologers, management experts, administrators. It rules also propaganda of spirituality, services with the state, teaching, law, financial institutions, advisory roles, and is primary significator for husband. If strong, it gives growth, expansion and a humanitarian and spiritual outlook, and denotes wisdom, optimism, faith, geniality, generosity, joviality, humor, idealism and good powers of judgment. It bestows intelligence and knowledge of scriptures in its main and sub-periods.
It signifies elder brother, husband in female nativities, male progeny, wealth, morals, sincerity, friends, divine grace, father and in fact all good things in life.
Jupiter is a male planet, mild, temperate, warm, satvic and kapha. Its nature is saintly, generous and its temperament is mild, benign and soft-hearted. Jupiter gives impressive and magnificent disposition, thin brown hair, tawny eyes, large body when found strong in a nativity and rules the ascendant or influences the lord of the ascendant. Jupiter is intelligent and endowed with all the branches of learning. Its complexion is tawny and it rules the yellow colors, the ether (akasha) element, sweet flavors, the sense of hearing, the Thursdays, the northeast direction, gold, yellow topaz, treasuries, banks, vaults, dignified places such as courts of law, prestigious universities, altars, political assemblies, charitable institutions, high level financial institutions, monasteries and missions.
Jupiter represents the hips, the fat tissue, blood, arterial system, glands, liver/gall bladder, pancreas gland, digestion, absorptive power, ears/hearing power, navel, feet, physical development, palate and throat. When weak, it causes lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other liver complaints, ear problems, dyspepsia, flatulence, cough, cold, asthma, phthisis, diabetes and other diseases of pancreas glands, etc., and denotes overconfidence, overindulgence, extravagance, immorality, greed, materialistic attitude (wanting the best of everything). Jupiter is also general significator for elder brothers, father, male progeny, children, teacher, friends, fortune, justice, education, charity, wealth, easy gains, general fortune, higher education, income and gains, kindness, mental inclinations, knowledge, happiness, wisdom, morality, virtue, dharma, professional position, prosperity, spiritual education, spiritual life, good behavior, expansion, compassion, optimism, sincerity, honesty, common sense, divine grace and, in fact, all good things in life.
Venus is a minister in the planetary cabinet. It is the preceptor of demons. Venus is personified as a preceptor and lover. It rules knowledge of life saving drugs and arts, and vocations in the field of financial administration, art, cinema, theatres, paintings, music, designing, architecture, interior decorator, modeling, advertising, legal, teaching, hotels, medicines, fashion and luxurious items, and is the general significator for wife and/or happy married life. When strong in the nativity, it denotes aesthetic sense, worldly knowledge and pursuits, psychic ability, potency, pleasures, correct behavior, luxury, beauty, harmony, creativity, rich tastes, affection, friendliness, love, gentleness, sociability, clarity, charm, harmony, balance, elegance, gracefulness and refined sensuality.
Venus is a female planet, warm, moist, rajasic and its constitution is a mixture of kapha and vata. Its nature is royal, sensual, generous and benevolent and its temperament is easy going and accommodating. Venus is joyful in spirit, possesses a slim body, is splendorous and has lovely eyes, giving a charming appearance, sharp and beautiful facial cuts, and dark-bright and slightly thick curly hair when found strong in a nativity and rules the ascendant or influences the lord of the ascendant. Its complexion is fair and it rules royal blue and variegated colors, the water element, sour flavors, the sense of taste, the Fridays, the southeast direction, silver, diamond, places of pleasure and amusement, theatres, cinemas, restaurants, bedrooms, art galleries, opera and symphony halls, dance halls, beauty salons, elegant shops and clubs.
Venus represents the pelvis and the sexual organs, desires and yearnings, reproduction, the semen/ovum, private parts, kidneys, face, eyes, neck, throat, chin, cheeks, skin, venous system, etc. When weak, it causes venereal diseases, diseases of urinary or reproductive system, diabetes, anemia, stones in bladder or kidneys, cataract, weakness of sexual organs, paralysis, asthma, phthisis, cough, cold, sexual perversions, impotence or inability to have sexual relations, loss of bodily luster, etc., and denotes greed, laziness, vanity, ambiguity, lack of charm, sentimentality, vice and sensual corruption, and lack of taste and refinement. Venus is also general significator for assets, vehicles, conveyances, comforts, luxuries, art, dance, drama, music, painting, jewelry, romance, family, marital tie, income and gains, prosperity, wealth, materialistic pursuits, opulence, financial solvency, medicine, hypnosis, mantras, ornaments, perfumes, flowers, festivals, professional position, musicians, singers, songwriters, actors, actresses, artists, dancers, designers, engineers, fashion designers, financial advisors, jewelers, perfumers, legal advisors, ministers and teachers. It signifies also people dealing with entertainment, pleasure and beauty as well as people that tend to earn their livelihoods through arts, romance, silver, delicacies, ornaments and finery, poetry, advice or counseling, and fashion design.
Saturn is the servant in the planetary cabinet. It is personified as a statesman and leader of low castes and signifies jobs requiring hard work with less remuneration, leadership of workers, trying to acquire positions in government services, labor oriented industry, routine workers, engineers, real estate agents, research work, scientists, dealing with labor, dealing in roots and fruits, dealing with servants, working with spoiled food, stones or wooden materials, butchers, dealing with products or activities below the earth, etc. When strong in the nativity, it signifies perfection and highest human qualities, spirituality, detachment, concentration, inwardness, dutifulness, reliability, honesty, humility, sincerity, stability, longevity, authoritativeness, discipline, responsibility, conservatism, practicality, realism, durability, eye for detail, sobriety, constancy and consistency.
Saturn is a eunuch planet, cold, dry, contracting, short-tempered, worn-out, tamasic and vata. Its nature is cruel, selfish and indolent and its temperament is harsh and hard-hearted. Saturn has an emaciated body, long stature, brown and sunken eyes, protruding teeth, prominent veins, wrinkles, long hands and face, lazy and melancholic nature, coarse and excessive hair when found strong in a nativity and rules the ascendant or influences the lord of the ascendant. Its complexion is dark and it rules black, navy blue and bright brown colors, the air element, astringent flavors, the sense of touch, the Saturdays, the west direction, iron, steel, lead, blue sapphire, dirty places, slums, gutters, sewers, garbage heaps, subterranean places, basements, cellars, mines, graves, inaccessible places, hermitages, retreats, prisons, neglected and lonely or melancholy places, cemeteries, abandoned houses and ruins.
Saturn represents the nerve tissue, the muscles, tendons, joints, spleen, teeth, knees, shin and part of leg between ankle and knee, gall bladder, phlegm and secretive system, respiratory system and bones. When weak, it causes constant and painful diseases, all sorts of chronic and degenerative diseases, leg fracture, cancer, diseases of glands, skin diseases, paralysis, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, emaciation, rickets, consumption, flatulence, deformities, coldness of the body, nerve disorders, indigestion, dyspepsia, insanity, numbness, windy diseases, senility, impotence in men, pain, asthma, and obstruction in the functions of the body like retention of urine, intestinal obstruction, etc., and denotes anxiety, inhibition, isolation, depression, rigidity, stinginess, loneliness, lack of adaptability, melancholy, suspicion, slowness, austerity, worry, pessimism, fear, miserliness and selfishness. Saturn is also general significator for longevity, obstacles, suppression, humiliation, fall (from a high position or from a height), poverty, misdeeds, debt, sorrow, grief, ambition, authority figures, form and structure of buildings, coal, wood, steel, denial, delay, elders, labor, land and property, leadership, death, disease, misery and sorrows, renunciation, restrictions, thieves and theft, subordinates, servants, construction workers, leaders of the underdog, low technology industry, mass production work, morticians, farmers, gardeners, sweepers, agriculture, agriculturists and menials, ascetics, hermits, monks, work with metal, iron, steel and leather products, service, slavery, imprisonment, loss, fate, limitation, contraction, separation, obstruction, jails, asceticism, solitude, ugliness, crime and paranoia.
Rahu is personified as a diplomat and a shadowy planet and a legendary deceptor when disposed beneficially. Indicates diplomatic jobs, jobs requiring manipulations with facts, deals in poisons and drugs. It signifies cheats, pleasure seekers, insincere and immoral acts, speculative trading markets, etc.
It is phlegmatic in nature and gives malignant growth. When afflicting, causes financial setbacks, malignant growth, disease of phlegm, intestines, boils, skin, ulcers, spleen, worms, high blood pressure, etc. It gives smoky and unpleasant appearance due to habits of overeating, resulting in foul smells and unclean body and nails.
It is dry and fiery in nature. Its affliction causes wounds, inflammations, fevers, intestinal disorders, aberrations, low blood pressure, deafness, defective speech and gives emaciated body with prominent veins. It is personified as a saint and inclines a person more towards mystic science and spiritual pursuits.
Strong Planets
A strong natal planet protects and promotes its general significations and the significations of its mooltrikona house. Any planet is considered strong when its longitude is between 05º to 25º in a particular sign and it is not in the state of weakness. It can increase its strength further if:

a) it occupies own or good navamsa and other divisions.
b) it is under the close influence of the functional benefic planets.
c) it occupies its exaltation, mooltrikona or own sign.
d) it closely influences the most effective point of the house.

The results of planets placed in the Sun-like houses that is the second, third and ninth houses get magnified.

Any planet has capacity to bless the native with its results if its natal strength is at least 60% and it is unafflicted. In such a situation the results may come with some delay and of slightly lower order. With the help of the strengthening measures - gemstones or Kavach - the strength of the planets, where it is less than 60%, can be brought to the level of 60% so that it blesses the native with the significations ruled by it. 

One can (i) strengthen the weak planets by way of a Kavach if the planetary strength is between 50% to 60%; (ii) strengthen the weak planets by way of a special power kavach if the planetary strength is between 35% to 50%; and (iii) strengthen the weak planets by way of a special power kavach cum gemstone pendant if the planetary strength is lower than 35%.

Weak Planets
A weak natal planet is not capable of fully protecting/promoting its general significations and the significations of its mooltrikona house during the course of its sub-periods and during the triple transit functional malefic influences. A planet becomes weak when:

1) The most effective point of its mooltrikona sign is afflicted by a functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree.
2) The most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted by a functional malefic planet, within an orb of one degree for mooltrikona signs or within an orb of five degrees for non-mooltrikona signs.
3) It is conjunct or aspected by any functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree.
4) It is combust due to its nearness to the Sun.
5) It occupies malefic houses from the ascendant, except if in its own mooltrikona sign.
6) It occupies its sign of debilitation.
7) It is in the state of infancy or old-age.
8) It occupies its debilitated sign in navamsa.
9) It occupies the mooltrikona sign of a weak planet. However, its strength would be in proportion to the strength of its dispositor.
In case of special or multiple afflictions, the otherwise "strong" planet is considered afflicted (and weak) even when the orb of affliction is of two degrees.

The affliction is special or multiple i.e. when it comes from:

1) a conjunction with/ aspect from the most malefic planet,

2) an aspect from a functional malefic planet placed in a dusthana,

3) a conjunction with Rahu or Ketu (Rahu-Ketu axis)

4) an aspect of a functional malefic planet afflicted by other(s) functional malefic planet,

5) more than one functional malefic planet at the same time.


a) A planet will lose strength to the extent of 75% if its mooltrikona sign house is afflicted.

b) A weak planet placed in an afflicted house will lose strength to the extent of 75%.

c) An otherwise strong planet placed in a non mooltrikona sign afflicted house will lose strength to the extent of 50%. Such a planet may give good results in the first place and will cause setbacks later.

d) A closely afflicted weak planet will lose strength to the extent of 75%.

e) A closely afflicted otherwise strong planet will lose strength to the extent of 50%. Such a planet will give good results in the first place and will cause setbacks later.

f) A planet becoming weak due to close combustion will lose strength to the extent of 75% if the Sun is a functional malefic planet. Where the Sun is a functional benefic and it causes combustion to another planet, the planet will become 50% weak for the purpose of transit affliction. A combust planet in its sign of debilitation and placed in a malefic house will have only 10% power.

g) When planets are placed in the malefic houses, they generally lose strength by 50% besides suffering through the significations of the malefic house. The placement in the sixth house can involve the person in disputes, debts and can cause ill health. The placement in the eighth house can cause serious obstructions for the significations ruled by the planet. The placement in the twelfth house can cause expenses and losses for the significations of the planet.

h) When planets are placed in their signs of debilitation, they lose strength by 50%. When planets are placed in their signs of debilitation in birth chart and navamsa, they lose strength by 75%.

i) If in Rasi chart the planet is badly placed and at the same time debilitated in navamsa it would lose strength to the extent of 60%.

j) A badly placed planet in its sign of debilitation will lose its power by 75%.

k) A planet debilitated in navamsa would lose power by 25%.


An exact conjunction or aspect by a strong functional benefic planet raises the strength of the planet by 50%.

The impact of conjunction and aspect by a strong functional benefic planet remains within an orb of 5 degrees and is at the rate of 20% per degree. At exact conjunction/aspect the impact is 50% and at a longitudinal distance of 5 degree aspect/conjunction the impact becomes 0.

An exact conjunction or aspect by a weak functional benefic planet raises the strength of the planet by 12.5% - just marginal. This benefit is only applicable for exact conjunction or aspect.

Whenever a planet is already weak for any other reason and is under the close influence of any functional malefic, it is treated as an afflicted planet. But when the planet is not weak for other reasons, it can only be considered afflicted under the exact influence of any functional malefic, becoming a weak planet for that reason. So whenever any planet is afflicted, it becomes weak. The significations of the house having a mooltrikona sign of an afflicted planet are harmed.

Afflicting Planets
Only the functional malefic planets can be afflicting planets.

It is very necessary to understand the difference between afflicting planets and afflicted planets.

Dispositor is a planet in whose moolatrikona sign another planet is located in the natal chart.
The Sun, the Moon, Venus and Mercury are of rajasic nature. Jupiter is of satvic. Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are of tamsic nature.
The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are male while the Moon, Venus, and Rahu are female. Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are eunuchs.
The functional nature of planets is the key analytical factor in the horoscope analysis. Besides Rahu and Ketu, the planets, whose mooltrikona signs are in malefic houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth) with reference to the ascendant, act as functional malefic planets in a nativity. For this purpose, under the Systems' Approach, the sign Cancer is considered as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon.

The functional malefic planets for various ascending signs are as under:

Aries: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Taurus: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
Gemini: Rahu and Ketu.
Cancer: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
Leo: The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.
Virgo: Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu.
Libra: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Scorpio: Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.
Sagittarius: The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.
Capricorn: The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
Aquarius: The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Pisces: The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
The functional benefic planets for various ascending signs are as under:

Aries: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Taurus: The Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn.
Gemini: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Cancer: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus.
Leo: The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Virgo: The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Libra: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Scorpio: The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
Sagittarius: The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Capricorn: The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
Aquarius: The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Pisces: The Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter.

Learn Astrology - Lesson 6
Signification of Signs
Briefly, the significations of the various signs are discussed here:
aries.gif (2099 bytes) ARIES :
It is a fiery sign ruled by Mars, the significator of energy. The Sun, the significator of vitality, is exalted in this sign. Saturn, the planet of lethargy, becomes debilitated in this sign. These factors render the Arians most active, strong, aggressive and healthy in case Mars is strong. If Aries rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Durga. Worshipping the Ishta Devata would help in spiritual evolution and in maintaining mental peace. This sign rules head (cranium and forehead) and brain. If Mars and Mercury are strong, the Arians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution, suffer from wounds, headache, mental tension, fevers, short-temperedness, insomnia, diseases of impure blood, bilious diseases, inflammatory disorders, constipation, stammering, etc. Aries is the mooltrikona sign of Mars.
Aries is a moveable, positive, rajasic, pitta, male, violent, barren and quadruped sign and has strong preferences. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Mars, the sign Aries usually renders their natives independent, adventurous and skilful in what they do, becoming leaders, with initiative, industrious, ambitious, impetuous, fighters, authoritative, brave, courageous, heroic, competitive, energetic, enterprising, mentally clear, visionary and strong-willed or headstrong, argumentative, offensive, impatient, irritable, impulsive and self-centered. If Aries rises as the ascendant, the influence of Saturn turns them towards construction and makes them entrepreneurs. They earn lot of wealth by persistent efforts. Depending upon the strength of Mars being prime determinant for profession, the Sun ruling intelligence and being general significator for success in profession and the Moon ruling education, Arians become commanders-in-chief, dentists, executives, executioners, gangsters, manufacturers, military and para-military forces, police, project erectors, surgeons, vocations employing fire and metals, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
taurus.gif (2186 bytes) TAURUS
It is an earthy sign ruled by Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. The Moon, the significator for caring, tenderness and affluence, is exalted in this sign. Ketu, the significator of spiritual pursuits, is debilitated in this sign. These factors render the Taureans materialistic, motherly and sensual, enjoying comfort, beauty and luxury around them, being convinced that in all circumstances they are correct. If Taurus rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Vishnu. This sign rules face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth, teeth and eyes), neck, cervical region and bones, cerebellum and facial bones. If Venus, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Taureans enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution, suffer from poor digestion, disorders of the throat, eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases mainly arising out of a weak venous system. Over-indulgence can be a cause for ill health.
Taurus is a fixed, negative, rajasic, vata, female, mild, semi-fruitful and quadruped sign and has a precise and temperate nature. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Taurus usually renders their natives cautious, prudent stable, enduring, fixed in their ways, adaptable and gentle, becoming good planners, good communicators, analytical, straightforward, persevering, refined, attractive, patient, romantic, kind, sentimental, devotional and charming or forceful, possessive, jealous, stubborn, obstinate, resentful, passionate, lethargic and pleasure seekers. Depending upon the strength of Saturn being prime determinant for profession, the Sun ruling education and being general significator for success in profession and the Moon ruling entrepreneurial nature, Taureans become businessmen, designers, engineers, technocrats, administrators, industrialists, house keeping, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
gemini.gif (2215 bytes) GEMINI
It is an airy sign ruled by Mercury, the significator of communication and confidence. These factors render the Geminians with excellent powers of speech and communication. They have an energetic nature and are always looking for change, interchange, motion and invention. If the mind is turned inwards, the native has the ability to progress far in the spiritual field. If Gemini rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Lakshmi. This sign rules ears, lower neck, shoulders, arms, hands, respiratory and nervous systems, bronchial tubes, shoulder and collar bones, bones of arms and hands. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the Sun, the significator for vitality, would be considered as the prime determinant of health for Geminians. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Geminians have a sickly constitution and suffer from hypertension, headaches, congestion and respiratory diseases, asthma, imbalances in the nervous system, depression resulting in partial paralysis, stammering, shoulder pain, etc.
Gemini is a dual, positive, tamasic, tri-dosha i.e. vata, pitta and kapha, male, talkative, barren and biped sign and gives an ambitious nature with imaginative ideas. They usually love knowledge and like much movement, change and initiative. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Gemini usually renders their natives with a sharp intellect and conscious mind, spontaneous, adaptable, analytical, educated, learned, helpful, with teaching abilities, humor, wit and imagination or talkative, nervous, restless, agitated and indecisive. Depending upon the strength of Mercury ruling education, the Moon being prime determinant for profession and the Sun ruling entrepreneurial nature and being general significator for success in profession, Geminians become accountants, auditors, advisory roles, authors, writers, communicators, business men, computer programmers, engineers, experts in analytical work, intellectuals, journalists, lawyers, poets, publishers, salesmen, secretaries, software engineers, state services, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
cancer.gif (2182 bytes) CANCER
It is a watery sign, generally weak, ruled by the Moon, which is changeable in nature and tender. Jupiter, the significator of knowledge and fortune, is exalted in this sign. Mars, the significator of energy, is debilitated in this sign. These factors render the Cancerians caring and nurturing, highly emotional, intuitive, gentle and considerate. If Cancer rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Shiva. This sign rules the rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. If the Moon and Jupiter are strong, the Cancerians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution and unpleasant appearance and suffer from mental maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastric region, lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice and other liver complaints, etc. Under the Systems' Approach, Cancer is treated as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon.
Cancer is a moveable, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful and multiped sign and signifies grace and cleverness. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or the Moon, the sign Cancer usually renders their natives good hosts, capable of receptivity and adaptability, generous, peace loving, with humor, wit and imagination or overly emotional, sensitive, shy, moody, attached and dependent. As the Moon is of volatile nature and becomes weak quite often either in pakshabala or by going to malefic houses from the ascendant or by being in infancy or old age or by going to its sign of debilitation, either in rasi or in navamsa, or by occupying the mooltrikona sign of any weak planet, the Cancerians are changeable to inconstant in their behavior. Depending upon the strength of Mars and the Sun being prime determinants of profession and the Moon for a stable profession, Cancerians become administrators, public relations managers, healers, nurses, house keepers, hoteliers, restaurant owners, catering professionals, cooks, eating-establishment owners, professionals dealing with liquids, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
leo.gif (2304 bytes) LEO
It is a fiery sign ruled by the Sun, the significator of vitality, intelligence, male progeny, social status and magnificence. These factors render the Leos noble hearts, with character and will power. If Leo rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Durga. This sign rules upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. If the Sun is strong, the Leos enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to the diseases of heart, spine, back, bones, spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, weak digestion, fevers, etc., and lack stamina and will power. This is the mooltrikona sign of the Sun.
Leo is a fixed, positive, satvic, pitta, male, benevolent, barren and quadruped sign and, when rising in the ascendant with a strong Sun, makes the person noble, generous and gives majestic appearance. They prefer to be the centre of attention. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or the Sun, the sign Leo gives intelligence, strong will, initiative, awareness of authority and decisiveness, making their natives visionary, patient listeners, rulers, aristocratic, persevering, dramatic and bold or authoritative, dominant, ambitious, jealous, impatient, stubborn, demanding, irritable and impulsive. As Mercury is prime determinant for professional affairs, the Sun is general significator for success in profession and Venus rules entrepreneurial nature, depending upon their strength, Leos may join a high service in government which offers security and fixed income, may earn through entertainment, sport, medicine, speculation or scientific pursuits, or may head large organizations, becoming organizers, administrators, contractors, corporators, leaders, politicians, etc. They will like to be self employed and will not like subordination. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
virgo.gif (2282 bytes) VIRGO
It is an earthy sign ruled by Mercury, the governor of nervous system. Mercury, the significator of analytical faculties, is exalted in this sign and Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts, is debilitated. These factors render the Virgos a discriminating nature and deep sensuality. If Virgo rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Vishnu. This sign rules the waist, abdominal umbilical region, nervous system, small intestine, upper part of large intestine, appendix and kidneys. If Mercury and Saturn are strong, the Virgos enjoy good health. Otherwise, they become hypochondriac and are vulnerable to overexertion, nervous breakdown, appendicitis, constipation, etc. This is the mooltrikona sign of Mercury.
Virgo is a dual, negative, tamasic, vata, female, barren and biped sign and, if Mercury is strong, it gives the power of analysis and discrimination. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Mercury, the sign Virgo usually makes their natives communicative, attractive, charming, prudent, cautious, protective, analytical, dependable, honest, truthful, practical, sincere and detailed or critical, neurotic, distant, resentful, indecisive and nit pickers with a fault finding tendency. As Mercury transits in a band of 28 degrees on either side of the Sun, for quite some time in the year it remains combust and weak. Then it goes to its sign of debilitation once a year for about a month and goes to infancy and old age about twelve times a year besides coming under the close influence of Rahu, Ketu and other functional malefic planets in a natal chart. The usual weakness of Mercury makes Virgo-born people feel insecure in life. They are generally worried and need support for maintaining self-confidence. If natal Mercury is weak, the person has prominent veins, lacks witticism and has no charm. Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and Mercury, Virgos become accountants, artists, craftsmen, draftsmen, teachers, mathematicians, engineers, traders, writers, etc. They will be good at jobs that involve detailed work. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
libra.gif (2288 bytes) LIBRA
It is an airy sign ruled by Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. Saturn, the planet of hard work and discipline, is exalted in this sign and the Sun, the significator of vitality and status, is debilitated. If the Sun which rules the soul is involved in this sign which rules luxuries and pleasures, the spiritual development of the person is obstructed and that is why the Sun gets debilitated in this sign. If Saturn is placed in this sign it gets exalted because Saturn ruling servants occupies the sign of luxuries and pleasures. These factors render the Libras a magnetic personality, if Venus is strong. If Libra rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Lakshmi. This sign rules lumbar region and lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate gland. If Venus is strong, the Libras enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by this sign, skin diseases, diabetes, venereal diseases, renal problems, urination problems, arthritis, gout pains, etc. This is the mooltrikona sign of Venus.
Libra is a moveable, positive, rajasic, tri-dosha, male, talkative, semi-fruitful and biped sign and signifies sense of justice, clarity, strong will-power, optimism and is highly sensitive. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Venus, the sign Libra usually gives their natives a strong sense of harmony, justice, balance, charm and aesthetic sense, making them spontaneous, artistic, charismatic, harmonizing, humanitarian, independent, adaptable, idealistic, talkative, thinker and able of considering different aspects of standpoint and judgment or offensive, inconstant, changeable and indecisive. They can attune themselves to the love of truth and thereby quickly learn to transcend the world. Depending upon the strength of the Moon, the Sun and Venus, Libras become actors, actresses, financial advisors, hoteliers, legal advisors, managers, musicians, physicians, etc. They like public professions. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
scorpio.gif (2193 bytes) SCORPIO
It is a watery sign ruled by Mars, the significator of energy, and it is weak. Ketu, the planet of secrecy and intuition, is exalted in this sign and the Moon, the significator of change and tenderness, is debilitated. These factors render the Scorpios intuitive and rigid. If Scorpio rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Shiva. This sign rules outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus, nasal organs and pelvic bones. If Mars, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Scorpios are of short stature, well built and enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution and suffer from piles, fissure, urinary infections, boils, and operations, etc., in the parts ruled by Scorpio.
Scorpio is a fixed, negative, rajasic, kapha, female, mute, violent, fruitful and multiped sign and signifies severe sentiments. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Scorpio usually renders their natives determined, disciplined, self-restrained, fearless, persevering, energetic, intense, dynamic, decisive, self-centered, straightforward and tough or very sensitive, introverted, secretive, stubborn and ready to defend themselves. Depending upon the strength of the Sun and Jupiter, Scorpios become administrators, advocates, chemists, detectives, officers in the Armed Forces, policemen, politicians, surgeons, traders in metals and chemicals, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits
sagi.gif (2253 bytes) SAGITTARIUS
It is a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge. These factors render the Sagittarians ambitious, eager to learn and with good judgment. If Sagittarius rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Durga. This sign rules hips and thighs, arterial system, nerves and ear/hearing. If Jupiter is strong, the Sagittarians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to anemia, poor digestion, flatulence, disorders of liver/gall bladder, jaundice, high fevers, diabetes, rheumatism and troubles in hips and thighs, etc. The native may also face troubles due to his tendency to overindulge in food and drink. This is the mooltrikona sign of Jupiter.
Sagittarius is a dual, positive, satvic, pitta, male, semi-fruitful, first half biped and second half quadruped sign and signifies impressive personality. The first half of Sagittarius is human and the second half is quadruped. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Jupiter, the sign Sagittarius usually makes their natives nature lovers, goal-oriented, clever, generous, cheerful, quick-witted, organized, philosophical, self-righteous or nit pickers, impatient, easily irritated and impulsive. The persons born under this sign are best suited for training or advisory roles due to their pleasant nature and analytical bent of mind. Depending upon the strength of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, Sagittarians play advisory roles and become businessmen, trainers for jobs, financial advisors, lawyers, legal advisors, teachers, physicians, religious leaders, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
capri.gif (2330 bytes) CAPRICORN
It is an earthy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. Mars, the significator of energy and ambition, is exalted in this sign and Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge, is debilitated. These factors render the Capricornians ambitious, hardworking and selfish if not having a spiritual practice. It is the sign of practical realization. If Capricorn rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Vishnu. This sign rules knees and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the Sun, the significator for vitality, would be considered as the prime determinant of health for Capricornians. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Capricornians have a sickly constitution and suffer from joint pains/inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The native may also have troubles resulting from over work and nervous disorders.
Capricorn is a moveable, negative, tamasic, vata, female, semi-fruitful, first half quadruped and second half footless sign and signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if Saturn is weak in the nativity. Capricorn rising gives good looks if Saturn is strong. The aspect of natural benefics to the ascendant provides charm to the personality. The negative influences on weak Saturn, as lord of the second house, gives an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc. The first half of Capricorn is watery and the second half is earthy. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders their natives traditional, level-headed, cautious, thrifty, conservative, methodical, social, practical, with organizing ability, faithful, prudent, protective, dependable and persevering or selfish, rigid and resentful. Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and Saturn, Capricornians become businessmen, agriculturists, lawyers, leaders, politicians, etc. They are careful with their money. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
aquarius.gif (2043 bytes) AQUARIUS
It is an airy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. These factors render the Aquarians independent and prepared to go against the established ways of behavior, if they feel that in doing so they are morally correct. If Aquarius rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Lakshmi. This sign rules shanks, calves, ankles, shin bone, blood circulation, etc. If Saturn and the Moon are strong, the Aquarians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are susceptible to colds and infections, and suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds, etc., in the parts ruled by Aquarius. Rheumatism and arthritis are also indicated with age. This is the mooltrikona sign of Saturn.
Aquarius is a fixed, positive, tamasic, tri-dosha, male, fruitful, talkative and biped sign and signifies characteristics like honesty, ideals and sensitiveness, etc., according to the strength of its lord. The body description resembles Saturn i.e. long stature, thin body and with prominent veins if Saturn is strong. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Saturn, the sign Aquarius usually makes their natives willingly to serve, helpful, with initiative, persevering and concentrated in work, active, courteous, deliberate, full of new ideas, decisive, humane, industrious, intuitive, scientific, studious, sympathetic, talented and unconventional or stubborn, rigid and impractical. Depending upon the strength of Saturn, the Sun and Mars, Aquarians become industrialists, leaders of the underdog, servants, thinkers, writers, religious teachers, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
pisces.gif (2170 bytes) PISCES
It is a watery sign ruled by Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge. Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts, is exalted and Mercury, the significator of intellect, is debilitated in this sign. These factors render the Pisceans romantic, imaginative, compassionate and generous. If Pisces rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Shiva. This sign rules feet and toes, lymphatic system, bones of the feet and toe. If the Sun, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Pisceans are healthy. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution, suffer from gout pains, joint pains, and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system, feet, toes, bones of the feet/toes, etc.
Pisces is a dual, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful and footless sign and signifies enjoyments, sensitiveness, etc. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Pisces usually renders their natives gentle, cheerful, empathetic, caring, devoted to duty, emotional, enthusiastic, idealistic, impressionable, intuitive, with moral values, mystical, philosophical, sentimental and tolerant or timid, vulnerable, indolent and ease loving. Depending upon the strength of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, the Pisceans join the professions of commerce, development, financial advisor, legal advisor, training, etc. The person rises well in his profession and is generous. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
The placement of a significator in a moveable sign makes a person dynamic in nature. The placement of a significator in a fixed sign makes a person less flexible in approach. The placement of a significator in a dual or common sign makes a person of adjustable nature.

The placement of the significator in a fruitful sign indicates early gains while the placement of the significator in a semi-fruitful sign indicates slow gains. The placement of a significator in a barren sign indicates gains after lot of efforts.

The fiery element makes the person energetic and agile. The earthy element makes the person a pleasure-seeker and persistently engulfed in materialistic pursuits. The airy element makes the person a thinker, creative and spiritualist. The water element makes the person an ease-lover and keeps him fully involved in worldly attachments.

The positive element shows greater chance of success. The biped element makes the approach of a person humanistic in life and he is generous, helpful and respectful to others.

Sex of Signs  : 
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius are male signs.
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are female signs.

Humors of body:
1. The signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are pitta pradhan (bile prominent) signs. The imbalance of bile can be expected more by persons born in these signs.

2. The signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are Vatta pradhan (acidity prominent) signs. The imbalance of acidity can be expected more by persons born in these signs.

3. The signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Kapha pradhan (phlegm prominent) signs. The imbalance of kapha (phlegm) can be expected more by persons born in these signs.

3. The signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius suffer from Tri-dosha (bile, acidity and phlegm) problems. The persons born in these signs are get troubled by the imbalance of all the three humors bile, acidity and phlegm.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius rule the east direction. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn rule the south direction. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius rule the west direction. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces rule the north direction. The directions in the prasna analysis are identified from the placement of the significator planet in a particular sign.

LEARN ASTROLOGY - LESSON 7                                                                                           
"Vimshotri Dasha Results"
Planetary Period
Events fructify in the sub-periods of indicative planets. Therefore, it is very important that we understand the method of analysing the dasa (main period) and bhukti (sub-period) results.

Though various types of conditional planetary periods for specific combinations in a nativity are mentioned in classical texts, Vimsottari dasa system has been mentioned for general applications. Based on the longitude of the Moon in the natal charts, the balance of operational Vimsottari dasa is calculated. Thereafter, the planets have their main periods in seriatim. The order of the main periods (dasa) under the Vimsottari dasa system is the dasa of the Sun followed by the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus.

The following are the major period of planets under the Vimsottari dasa, which they have in seriatim:

Sun 6 years
Moon 10 years
Mars 7 years
Rahu 18 years
Jupiter 16 years
Saturn 19 years
Mercury 17 years
Ketu 7 years
Venus 20 years

During the major period of each planet all other planets share periods proportionate to their period in the Vimsottari dasa. This share of period is known as sub-period (bhukti) and the first sub-period in any planet’s own main period is always its own, followed by other planets in the seriatim mentioned above.

1. During the main period of a FM, the sub period of a FM will cause sufferings.

2. During the main period of a FM the sub period of a strong FB will bestow good results.

3. During the main period of a FM the sub period of a weak functional benefic will give only hopes which may not get fulfilled.

4. During the main period of a FB the sub period of a strong FB will bestow very good results.

5. During the main period of a FB, the sub period of a weak FB will bestow average results with mishaps during unfavorable transit influences.

6. During the mainperiod of a FB, the sub period of a FM will cause mild sufferings.

7. During the main period of a FM or a FB the sub periods of a FM (if involved in close conjunction or aspect with weak planets) will cause grave concerns and/or tragic happenings.

If the main period lord is a functional malefic, the sub-periods of the other functional malefic planets cause lot of sufferings while the sub-periods of functional benefic planets bestow good results if they are strong. In the main period of a functional malefic planet, the sub-periods of functional benefic planets create only hopes if these functional benefic planets are weak.

In the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub-periods of strong functional benefic planets bestow very good results while the sub-periods of weak planets bestow just average results with mishaps during the unfavorable transit influences. During the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub-periods of functional malefic planets cause mild sufferings. During the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub-period of functional malefic planets involved in

close conjunctions or aspects with weak planets cause grave concerns and/or tragic happenings. The results of the significations of the sub-period lord depend upon its strength and conjunction(s)/aspect(s) to the same, either natally or in transit. The significations of the house of placement are touched when transit planets create benefic or malefic influences on the sub-period lord. In the sub-period of any planet other than Rahu or Ketu, the following significations are touched:-

(1) The general significations of the sub-period lord. For example, the Sun rules father, social status, position with the government, male child, digestive system, heart, blood pressure, etc.

(2) The significations of the house where the mooltrikona sign of the sub-period lord is placed. In case some other functional malefic planet influences the most effective point of this mooltrikona house, during the sub-period of the ruling planet the significations of the mooltrikona house shall not prosper and will face problems indicated by the afflicting planet depending upon its lordship.

(3) The significations of the house(s) where the sub-period lord is placed either natally or in transit.

Similarly, in the sub-periods of Rahu and Ketu, are touched not only their general significations but also the significations of their houses of placement as well as the significations of the planets that influence or are influenced by Rahu or Ketu, either natally or in transit.

"Planetary Transit Influences/Gochar"
"Results of Sub-Periods of Planets/Bhukti"
"Marital Compatability"
"Manglik/Mangal Dosha"
"Birth Chart Rectification"
"Impact of Retrograde Planets"
"Remedial Measures in Astrology"
& Other Concepts. 
The significant events are triggered by the interplay of the relationship between transit planets and natal planets/MEPs. The results generated depend upon the significations ruled by the planets involved, the significations ruled by their mooltrikona houses, the significations ruled by their houses of placement, either natally or in transit, and/or the significations ruled by the natal house(s) whose MEPs are under transit impact. This is called the triple transit triggering influence (TTT) as it is true for the three possible combinations of transit influence i.e. transit over natal, transit over transit, and natal over transit. In other words:

(1) Whenever any weak natal planet/MEP is transited by FM(s), it triggers a significant undesirable incident concerning that weak natal planet or that weak house, whichever is the case. This is more so when the weak natal planet or the lord/significator of the weak house is weak in transit too.

(2) Whenever any strong natal planet/MEP is transited by FM(s), it triggers a mild unfavorable incident concerning that strong natal planet or that strong house, whichever is the case.

(3) Whenever any strong natal FB/MEP is transited by FB(s), it triggers significant happy incidents pertaining to that strong natal planet or that strong house, whichever is the case.

(4) Whenever any weak natal FB/MEP is transited by FB(s), it triggers hopes or non-significant happy incidents pertaining to that weak natal planet or that weak house, whichever is the case.

(5) Whenever planets in transit form close conjunctions amongst themselves, the happenings occur depending upon their functional nature in connection with the houses with reference to a particular ascendant.

(6) If the close conjunction or aspect(s) of planets in transit involve two or more FBs with reference to a particular ascendant, it triggers happy events pertaining to all the planets.

(7) If one of the planets involved in close conjunction or aspect in a transit planetary movement is a FM, it harms the significations of the other FB(s) involved with reference to a particular ascendant.

(8) If both or all the planets forming close conjunction in transit with reference to a particular ascendant are FMs, it harms the significations of all the planets involved.

(9) Whenever any weak transit planet forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FM(s), it triggers a significant undesirable incident concerning that weak transit planet.

(10) Whenever any strong transit planet forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FM(s), it triggers a mild unfavorable incident concerning that strong transit planet.

(11) Whenever any strong transit FB forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FB(s), it triggers significant happy incidents pertaining to that strong transit planet.

(12) Whenever any weak transit FB forms close conjunction with or become closely aspected by natal FB(s), it triggers hopes or non-significant happy incidents pertaining to that weak transit planet.

(13) The transit effects are always seen with reference to the natal ascendant.

(14) In setting the trends, the sub-period lord has maximum say. However, the transit impacts mentioned above supercede the trend results of the sub-period lord.

(15) The malefic transit impact of slow moving planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are more pronounced when, during the course of their close conjunctions/aspects, they move more slowly as compared to their normal speed or become stationary. This is true both for natal and transit influences.

(16) During the sub-periods of the FBs, the benefic transit impacts are stronger while malefic transit impacts are mild. If the sub-period lord is strong, then the transit benefic influences cause significant happy events.

(17) During the sub-periods of FMs, the benefic transit impacts are mild while the malefic transit impacts are more severe. If the transit benefic influences are strong, then the benefic results may be comparatively better but with some delay.

(18) The duration of the transit results ceases to exist as soon as the transit close conjunction or aspect separates. The orb of separation as explained earlier would depend upon the natal strength of the planets on which the transit influences have been created.

(19) Whenever a transiting FM transits the MEP of any house, it afflicts that house as well as the aspected house(s). A transit FM never afflicts its own mooltrikona house.

(20) A transit FM will afflict always its natal position by conjunction or aspect, except when natally placed in its own mooltrikona house.

(21) A natal FM will afflict always its transit position by aspect even when transiting its own mooltrikona house.

(22) A natal FM will afflict always its transit position by conjunction, except when placed in its own mooltrikona house.

For further detailed study the interested readers may study my book, HOW TO IDENTIFY SIGNIFICANT EVENTS.

Both the positions - natal and transit - of the planet under impact are to be studied. The planets would be able to bless the native with their significations, both general and particular, if they are strong both in the natal chart and in transit.IDENTIFYING TRANSIT INFLUENCES
The result of a particular house will be influenced by a transiting planet when it is near to its most effective point depending upon its functional nature whether benefic or malefic. Considering the triple transit triggering influence, the benefic or malefic impact of transit planets is to be seen on all natal and transit planets, including functional malefics and functional benefics, and the benefic or malefic impact of natal planets is also to be seen on both transit functional malefics and transit functional benefics. The things governed by the planets would be their general and particular significations. Similarly, when the impact is on the most effective point of any house, the significations of the house occupied and house(s) aspected would be influenced by the transiting planet.INTERACTION BETWEEN THE SUB-PERIOD AND TRANSIT RESULTS
During the sub-period of a planet, it would be touched the general significations of the sub-period lord, the significations of the mooltrikona house ruled by the sub-period lord, the significations of the natal house of the sub-period lord and the significations of the house transited by the sub-period lord.

The transit means when the planetary position on any given date, subsequent to the date of birth, is studied with reference to the ascendant and the position of the planets in the natal chart.

For example, let us consider a native with the sign Sagittarius rising in the ascendant. Suppose, in this chart the lord of the eleventh house, Venus, is placed in the twelfth house ruling losses. During the sub-period of Venus loss of elder brother, income and trouble to friends is indicated. The transit functional malefics Rahu/Ketu may form close conjunction or aspect with any of the three positions to cause the event of death of the elder brother:

i) Most effective point of the eleventh house.

ii) Natal position of the sub-period lord, Venus.

iii) Transit position of the sub-period lord, Venus.

The conjunction or aspect of natal Moon, Rahu or Ketu with transit Venus may also cause the same fatality.

The sub-period lord sets the trend according to the lordship and the placement of the planet besides the other influences on the planet while the transit and natal planets cause influence whenever they come into contact with the natal position or the transit position of the sub-period lord. We hope this gives better understanding into the interaction between the transit results and the sub-period lord results with the help of the above example.MARITAL COMPATIBILITY
Marital compatibility (MC) has to be seen on the following seven aspects for each person:

1. Health
2. Temperament
3. Sexual urges
4. Marital happiness
5. Longevity
6. Longevity of the marital tie
7. Spiritual development

HEALTH is seen from (1) the lords of the ascendant and/or sixth house containing a mooltrikona sign, (2) the Sun, (3) the Moon, and the placement/strength/affliction of the planets (1) to (3) so identified. All the houses/planets are seen.

TEMPERAMENT is seen through the influence of the lord of the sixth house containing a mooltrikona sign not only on the most effective points of the houses ruling marriage i.e. the second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth houses but also on the most effective points of the third, fifth and first houses and/or the placement of any of the lords of these houses containing a mooltrikona sign in the sixth house.

SEXUAL URGES are seen through the influence of Mars, Rahu or the lords of the eighth and/or twelfth houses containing a mooltrikona sign on the MEP and/or lords of any of the houses related to marriage and/or ascendant as they stimulate the urges. Saturn and Ketu influencing deflate the urges.

MARITAL HAPPINESS is seen through the strength of the seventh, second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses containing mooltrikona signs. All the houses are seen. Afflictions harm relationships and cause termination of marital tie through divorce or death.

LONGEVITY is seen through the strength of lords of the first, eighth and/or twelfth houses containing a mooltrikona sign and the significator of longevity, Saturn. All the houses/Saturn are seen.

LONGEVITY OF THE MARITAL TIE is seen through the strength of the seventh, eighth, second and twelfth houses containing a mooltrikona sign. All the houses are seen.

SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT is seen through the strength of the fourth, ninth and tenth houses containing mooltrikona sign(s) and the planets the Sun and Jupiter. All the houses/planets are seen.

EXAMINING MARITAL COMPATIBILITY is much more than horoscope matching on the basis of the so-called NAKSHATRA matching only.

Best signs for matching not only among themselves but also with even signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius ascendants. If need be the matter may be got analysed through an expert Systems' Approach astrologer.

Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio ascendants require a detailed matching analysis for marital compatibility and should better not be matched amongst themselves.

Not only the application of preventive astral remedies but also the election of a muhurta (auspicious time) for celebrating the marriage are very important for ensuring a long lasting marital relationship with comparatively more harmony. It makes it possible to match the even signs among themselves.

For further detailed study the interested readers may study my book, HOW TO ANALYSE MARRIED LIFE.

The most dreaded concept of Manglik means early death of spouse or inharmonious relationship with the spouse in the early years of marriage. A native is treated as Manglik when Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth houses from the natal ascendant or natal Moon. Some modern savants even include these positions from Venus. This way more that 80% of the human beings will be graded as Manglik. This concept is also far from the truth.
The said position of Mars in a chart does not make a native Manglik in case Mars is a functional benefic for the natal chart. For the natal charts where Mars becomes a functional malefic i.e. Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus ascendant charts, it can generate the results of the so-called Manglik yoga if the association of Mars is close/exact to the most effective point of the house and the lord of the house where Mars is posited, is weak. There is no exception to this combination. However, the close trine aspect of a functional benefic Jupiter and the third aspect of a functional benefic Saturn are capable of warding off the evil results generated by Mars to a large extent.

The functional malefic planets as per the Systems' Approach act identical to Mars in case these malefic planets form close conjunction/aspect with the houses/planets signifying marital happiness. Therefore, for understanding the true impact of Mars in a natal chart we have to clearly understand the functional nature of planets.

For further detailed study the interested readers may study my book, HOW TO IDENTIFY SIGNIFICANT EVENTS.

The rectification of birth charts is a two way process: Firstly for the rectification of the ascendant; and secondly for the rectification of the ascending degree. While finding out the ascendant is quite easy with the help of the planetary configurations (relationships) developed through close conjunctions, close aspects and placements, the determination of the ascending degree is a lengthy process and sometimes it can take about one year's time after a preliminary hypothesis.
To find out the ascendant:

1. Find out the close conjunctions of planets and see which functional malefic planet is afflicting which other planet or the most effective point of house(s).

2. If the native concerned is suffering on account of the significations of the house containing the mooltrikona sign of the said afflicted planet then the ascendant stands rectified.

3. In case it is not so, then the next or the previous ascendant is to be tried with reference to close relationships of the functional malefic planets or the most effective point of various houses.

4. This exercise is always recommended for the horoscopes where the ascending degree goes from zero to two or three degrees or from twenty eight to thirty degrees. This gives a sound footing for the rectification of the ascendant.

To find out the ascending degree the following process is undertaken:

This is based on the transit of the functional malefic planets over natal weak planets and over the most effective point of the houses where mooltrikona signs of weak planets fall.

First of all, identify the weak planets, the functional malefic planets and the afflicted planets in a chart. Then see the transit position of functional malefic planets with reference to the ascendant over the weak natal positions. Note the houses where the exact conjunction or aspect is likely to be formed with the most effective point in the near future, specially the house(s) having mooltrikona sign of weak planet(s). Keep a watch at what degree the extreme unfavorable results are felt and note down the same for the purpose of rectification. To test whether the degree noted by you is the most effective point of the house you have to repeat this exercise at least twice with reference to the identified degree. If each time on subsequent occasions transit effects of functional malefic planets create unfavorable results at the degree identified, the degree of the ascendant will have to be modified accordingly. Roughly, one degree of ascendant means a difference of three to four minutes in the time of birth. Taking into account this degree of the ascendant and the tentative time, the birth chart will have to be reworked.

This technique is very useful for:

A) Identifying significant events likely to happen due to exact/close aspects/conjunctions of functional malefic planets with the most effective point of weak house(s)/weak planets.

B) Identifying significant events likely to happen due to close/exact aspects/conjunctions of functional benefic planets with the most effective point of strong house(s)/strong planets.

C) To answer queries of recovery from illness.

D) To answer questions for expected favorable results if exact or close conjunctions/aspects occurring between natal positions and transit functional benefic planets are likely to take place in the near future.

The planetary combinations (yogas) in a horoscope are generated through close conjunctions, close aspects and placements. When two or more functional benefic planets form close relationship among themselves or with the most effective points of benefic houses, they generate good results related to their mooltrikona houses. This type of relationship caused due to the close conjunction/aspect is known as an auspicious yoga. If two functional malefic planets form a close relationship, they cause an inauspicious yoga and destroy the results related to their mooltrikona houses. If one functional benefic planet and one functional malefic planet form a close relationship, this causes an inauspicious yoga that destroys the results of the mooltrikona house ruled by the functional benefic planet. When a functional benefic planet occupies a malefic house, this causes yoga for misfortune related to the significations of its mooltrikona house. Similarly, when a functional malefic planet closely influences the most effective point of a house, it destroys the significations of that house, except if it is its own mooltrikona house.

The impact of Rajyogas and Dhanayogas accrues only if the planets involved are strong. Whenever, the planets ruling benefic houses conjoin or mutually aspect closely, they form good yoga (say Rajyogas) connected with the indications of both the houses involved, provided they are strong. The involvement of a planet ruling the house of income and/or wealth produces a Dhanayoga. In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular sign or house without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction or aspect does not result into any yoga.

Similarly, until and unless any functional malefic planet forms a close conjunction or aspect with other planet(s) or house(s) they do not produce any Duryoga or even Kalsarpa yoga. The misnomer Kalsarpa yoga is being propagated by those persons who have failed to correctly identify the functional nature of planets in various nativities and have not been able to pin point the reasons for miseries. Any chart containing the so-called Kalsarpa yoga will not give bad results until and unless Rahu-Ketu or other functional malefic planets cause severe conjunctions or aspects with weak planets or houses in that particular nativity. Under the Systems' Approach, the analysis is always done with reference to the placement of planets, their strength and weaknesses and their mutual relationship with reference to the ascendant, and its most effective point in particular.

This is only a visionary phenomenon as this occurs due to different speeds of the planets in relation to the earth. The effects on a natal chart are due to fixed angular position of planets with reference to a particular place on the earth for a particular time, natal or transit.

Though the classical as well as some of the modern commentators have ascribed different views for the results of retrograde planets, the author is of the firm view that retrograde planets are to be treated in a normal way as per their longitudes, so far as the natal influences are concerned. However, the transit influences of a planet appearing to be in retrograde motion and then direct motion are prolonged on a specified degree(s).

Predicting future is one part of the story in case of Astrology while remedial measures is the essence, which helps us in providing umbrella during cloudy days. Astrology offers help in the form of astral remedies. Those who do not want to do astral remedies, there is little which can be done for such people except telling them about the period of suffering or the time to come.

When planets are indicating tragic happenings then people usually do not perform astral remedies to protect themselves against the expected losses and the weakness of Jupiter and the lord of the ninth house is always a contributing factor in this regard. The planetary relationships give results according to the indications in case no preventive remedies are performed.

Indications of time can only be modified with the help of the astral remedies. Until and unless the astral remedies are performed, in our views the extent of the services of the divine science of Astrology is very much limited. Some people hold the view that those who prescribe astral remedial measures are incompetent to make predictions. I can only pity at their lack of power to understand. Such people forget and disregard Maharshi Parashara, who propounded the theory of remedial measures. The preventive remedial measures provide relief from sufferings while remedial measures after some tragic incidence help in rehabilitation.

The strengthening astrological remedial measures are suggested for all the functional benefic planets even if they are not weak and afflicted in the natal chart. The strengthening measures provide a preventive cover to the planets against their transit weakness. Similarly, the propitiating remedial measures are advised for all the functional malefic planets even if they are not forming close afflictions in the natal chart. The propitiating remedial measures provide a preventive cover for transit and natal afflictions.

The problems in life are caused by weak planets and/or afflictions to them. To help people overcome their problems, the astrologer advises appropriate astral remedies, such as meditation and spiritual practices, color and gemstone therapy, the wearing of a kavach or amulet as a protective shield, and the participation in pujas and yagnas, etc. Therefore, a two-way application of astral remedies is administered after diagnosing the problematic planetary influences in a chart. Firstly, the strength is provided to the weak functional benefic planets. The strength can be provided by various methods, e.g. gemstones, color therapy, Kavach (the protective shield containing mystical numbers of the planets) in an auspicious time. Secondly, the malevolence of the functional malefic planets is reduced through the regular practice of meditation, spiritual practices and offering propitiatory charities concerning these planets. The two-way application helps in reducing the impact of malefic planetary influences to a large extent. The preventive use of astral remedies is much more useful than the curative astral remedies.

Generally, people resort to astral remedies in the end after trying all other therapies ignoring the distinct advantage of preventive diagnostic power of the astrological science. Needless to stress the benefit of preventive medicine/redressal measures as against those of the curative measures.

Whenever practiced with faith and sincerity, the efficacy of astral remedies in terms of immediate results depends on many things including the ascendant and the strength of the natal planets. If the functional malefic planets are more in the natal chart, with multiple close afflictions, and the functional benefic planets are weak, one benefits with lot of delay. For example, the people born in the Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn ascendants need lot of time for sincere and faithful performance of propitiatory remedies. Then the further factors to be seen are the strength of the sub-period and the transit influences.

For both - curative and preventive remedies - the judicious mixture of the following astral remedies is applied.

GEMS: The empirical studies of our ancients reveal that besides medicines the gems and colors are capable of providing good health and mental/spiritual happiness. The efficacy of the gemstones is recognized by the Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine. The importance of time, which means the planetary influences at a particular point of time and at a particular place, has always been recognized since ancient times. The references have been found in the Hindu scriptures, Islamic literature, Shakespearean era and the New Testament. It is also firmly believed that the potency of medicines and its curative power increase when the medicine is administered at a particular time of the day and in a particular season.

To provide strength to the weak natal planets, the divine science of astrology recommends use of gemstones for the favorable planets in an auspicious time. The strength of the planets is raised through the application of influence of concentrated rays of a particular color of a gemstone, which represents a particular planet. The gems represent the rays of light peculiar to different planets. The men and women use them for raising the power of planets besides wearing them for ornamental purposes. In Chapter 6, we indicate the gemstones and colors ruled by each planet. These are the gemstones recommended to begin use in an auspicious time for particular planets if they are favorable in one's birth chart. The weight recommended for all the gems except diamond is between 4.6 to 4.7 carats. The recommended weight for diamond is either 1 or 1.8 carats.

COLOR THERAPY: This is a very potent preventive remedy for epilepsy, mental retardation, psychic problems, etc. and is practiced through the use of favorable colors in the matters of dress and furnishings in one's living room. As each day of the week is ruled by a particular planet, each day we should dress at least one wearable garment of the color indicated for that planet if functional benefic.

KAVACH: This is a protective shield in the form of a yantra which is made of silver containing mystical numbers of the functional benefic planets in a nativity and is a strengthening measure, providing protection to the natal and transit afflictions of the weak functional benefics. With its use, the weak planets are enabled to protect and promote their significations. The Kavach draws its power from the powerful planetary position in which it is created and it is worn also in a specially elected auspicious time for generating the desired impact. It is certainly not a miraculous or magical object. This is part of faith healing and its effectiveness and the amount of help cannot be measured in a scientific manner. The confidence of the Kavach providers is based on the feedback of the users. This is used both for preventive and curative purposes, and dispenses with the necessity of wearing different gems for different planets.

As we have said, it should begin to be worn in another auspiciously elected time. The auspicious time is worked out with reference to the place of stay. Gem therapy has no comparison to the benefits gained by wearing the Kavach which also acts as a protective shield. When used as a preventive therapy it is likely to benefit in the following areas:-

- Success in studies
- Success in professional career/business
- Develops leadership skills
- Improves memory and analytical skills
- Protects health against dreaded diseases like cancer, blood pressure, renal disorders, diabetes, epilepsy, paralysis, depression, etc. etc.
- Gives timely marriage
- Gives success in relationships
- Blesses with children
- Blesses with achievements and recognition in life and so on and so forth the list is very long.
For further detailed study on election of auspicious time the interested readers may study my book, SYSTEMS' APPROACH FOR INTERPRETING HOROSCOPES.

VASTU: Again this is a preventive as well as a curative therapy for solving the problems in physical and spiritual areas. Wider applications of this therapy are in the field of success of professional ventures. This is practiced through the use of proper outlay of a building to derive geo-magnetic forces for properly energizing the total impact of that building with the help of light, air, space and aura conducive to the main function of the environment. While there is no detailed study of vastu in my books, the relevance of vastu has been discussed in the book, "Predictive Techniques and the Application of Astrological Remedial Measures". The minimum vastu to be kept in view is:

1. Place of meditation in north east;
2. Bedrooms in south and south west;
3. Children's study in north;
4. Kitchen in south east;
5. Stairs in south-west;
6. Heavy structures in the house in south-west;
7. One should sleep with one's head in east, or south or south west directions;
8. The central place of the residential unit should be empty;
9. There should be openings in east and west and it would be better if the opening is also in south direction;
10. The opening only in south direction creates conflicts and diseases while the openings only in north direction stops family prosperity and sometimes even continuity. Opening only in the west direction brings poverty.
11. The place should be properly lit and pastel colors of functional benefic planets should be used on the walls;
12. The furnishings should be mostly plain or with very little flowery designs. In any case the patterns and designs on the fabric should not be too imposing.

MANTRAS: As part of the meditation, the recitation of Mantras is prescribed for propitiating the trouble causing planets as per the Vedic rituals.

CHARITIES: These are offered for the functional malefic planets causing afflictions/problems in a horoscope. The malefic influences are effectively tackled with the help of one of these propitiatory remedial measures for each planet when acting as a functional malefic:


" Serving one's father or helping old age needy persons. " Give wheat soaked in water with 20 grams of jaggery (Gur) to a cow on Sundays.
" Surya Namaskar at sunrise.
" Observe law of the land meticulously.

" Serving one's mother or old age women.
" Give dough to a cow on Mondays.
" Keep a fresh water pot for the birds.
" Offering boiled rice with sugar to the birds.

" Service to younger brother(s).
" Prayers/meditation every morning for at least 10 min.
" Being considerate to one's servant(s).
" Exercising patience.

" Helping poor students and needy children.
" Donating to orphanages, twice a year.
" Offering green fodder (about 2 Kg) to a cow.
" Donating green pulses.

" Offering service to one's preceptor/teacher.
" Prayers/meditation every morning.
" Offering banana in small pieces to the birds.
" Offering one bundi laddu (an Indian sweet) or any yellow sweet to the birds.

" Being considerate to one's wife or helping ladies in distress.
" Donating sugar, rice and cooking oil.
" Offering white sweets to the birds.
" Donating silken clothes of bright colors.

" Being considerate to servants.
" Offering simple salty food to the birds.
" Offering black pulses or salt or mustard oil on Saturdays.
" Donate to organizations that help poor people, twice a year.

" Serving one's parents.
" Give part of your breakfast or coarse grains to the birds.
" Donate for old age needy persons or lepers, twice a year.
" Giving away brown colored sweets to the birds.

" Offering some food to a stray dog.
" Donate for the old age homes, twice a year.
" Prayers to Lord Ganapathi.
" Serving/helping institutions or persons working for spiritualism.

These remedies are to be performed daily in the morning after bath and before breakfast. In case the native is unable to do so as in the case of sickness or out of town or in the case of children, these remedial measures can be performed by parents or spouse. If the offering is not accepted by a dog or cow, another dog/cow should be tried. The remedial measures should be performed regularly and the performance of any one of the suggested measures for a particular planet would suffice.

The weakness of the significator planets, as indicated earlier, is made up with the help of a specially prepared Kavach to be worn by the native in an auspiciously elected time.

For details of the design, size and mystical numbers to be engraved on both sides of the Kavach, the readers may please refer to the book, "PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUES AND THE APPLICATION OF THE ASTROLOGICAL REMEDIAL MEASURES".

The prasna chart is made for specific queries at a particular time for those natives who do not possess a natal chart.  The essential condition for efficacy of the prasna chart is that the querist approaches an astrologer when he is impelled by his inner self for seeking astrological help for a specific query.  A complete chart like the birth chart at the time of query is erected. A chart erected and analyzed as per the general principles of predictive astrology brought out in this site helps in correct interpretations.


This is only a visionary phenomenon as this occurs due to different speeds of the planets in relation to the earth. The effects on a natal chart are due to fixed angular position of planets with reference to a particular place on the earth for a particular time, natal or transit.

Though the classical as well as some of the modern commentators have ascribed different views for the results of retrograde planets, the author is of the firm view that retrograde planets are to be treated in a normal way as per their longitudes, so far as the natal influences are concerned. However, the transit influences of a planet appearing to be in retrograde motion and then direct motion are prolonged on a specified degree(s).

The Systems'Approach astrologers using the following predictive techniques not only save themselves from the sin of misguiding those, who approach them for seeking peace and happiness but also create good karma for themselves.

The karma results arise through the principles of divine justice. Jyotish/Astral remedies are the means for alleviating the karma results.

The important tools for predictive accuracy are the functional nature of planets, strength of planets, inter-relationships of planets, divisional charts, impact of Rahu & Ketu, planetary periods and triple transit triggers.

For differentiating between
- having issues in a particular area throughout life
- enjoying good results in a particular area but in some sub-periods facing issues and drawbacks

the guiding principles are that the planets give results as per their strength in their sub periods. Transit influences take precedence over sub period results. The strong/exact afflictions to natal planets are not easy things to be dealt with. Continuous propitiation for functional malefic planets with strengthening of weak and afflicted functional benefic planets help. Some other strong planets in the birth chart help in bringing down the impact of strong afflictions. The strong planets, in general, give good results for their significations throughout the life. Where there are no strong or well placed planets, there is little hope of things turning good.

Predictive Techniques - Introduction

Introduction to Charts

Important Terminology
Body Parts represented by houses

Relations represented by houses

Significations ruled by houses

Predictive Techniques - Functional Nature of Planets

Predictive Techniques - Special Impact of Rahu & Ketu

Predictive Techniques - Measuring Strength of Houses, MEP & Comprehension Tools 

Predictive Techniques - Close Conjunctions

Predictive Techniques - Afflicted Planets

Predictive Techniques - The most malefic influence

Predictive Techniques - The most Benefic influence

Predictive Techniques - Analysing Results of Sub Period Lords.

Predictive Techniques - Treating House for Relations

Predictive Techniques - Retrograde Planets

Predictive Techniques - Exchange of Houses / Asterisms

Predictive Techniques - Measuring Capacity of Planets

Predictive Techniques - Strength of Planets

Predictive Techniques - Afflicted & Afflicting Planets

Predictive Techniques - Dispositor

Predictive Techniques - Transit of Planets

Predictive Techniques - Interaction between the sub-periods and transit

Predictive Techniques - Effective Orb for Natal and Transit Influences

Predictive Techniques - Chalit Chakra, Rajyogas & Dhana Yogas 

Predictive Techniques - Placement of Planets

Predictive Techniques - Sun Like Planets

Predictive Techniques - Rahu Like Planets

Predictive Techniques - Measuring Afflictions

Predictive Techniques - Measuring Capacity of Planets

Predictive Techniques - Identifying Problem Areas

Predictive Techniques - Metals ruled by planets

Predictive Techniques - Directions ruled by planets, signs & houses
Ishta Devata of the Ascending Signs.

Predictive Techniques - Ayurveda humors ruled by signs & planets

Impact of Aspects/Conjunctions : Decade Per Degree Rule

Predictive Techniques - Analysis

Predictive Techniques - Eclipses

Predictive Techniques - Insights 

"Contradictions & Limitations - Classical Principles in Astrology"
"Treating Each Bhava as Lagna"
"Exaltation sign of Rahu"
"Exchange of Steller Lordship"
"Dasa/Dasha Chhidra"
"Gand Mool Nakshatra Dosha/Gandanth Dosha"
The classical principles that those houses become strong whose lords aspect their own houses and that the planets placed in inimical signs are troubled, are contradictory to some extent. The reality shows that a functional benefic planet which aspects its own sign though placed in its inimical sign, is not troubled and is capable of protecting its house if the dispositor of such a planet does not suffer from weakness. For making the house strong the owner of the house has to be strong.
Three very prominent confusions are; (i) placement strength of angular or trinal position of planets from the house they own; (ii) placement relationship amongst various planets; and (iii) 6th/8th positions of the lords of the operating sub-periods and the main period.
A planet, irrespective of its angular or trinal position from its house, is rendered weak if placed in malefic houses. For example, the lord of the fourth house relegated to the eighth or twelfth house will become weak. Planetary relationship by way of placement i.e. angular/trinal position amongst them will prove to be beneficial only if it is in the auspicious houses. If the main and sub-period lords are placed in the 6th/8th houses but are in the good houses like the fourth and ninth or tenth and fifth, it will always prove to be good. However, 6th/8th positions of planets one of which falls in the malefic house always proves harmful to the native. There are certain limitations also. The concept of Varshphala and Ashtakvarga etc. cannot mitigate weakness of weak and afflicted planets in the natal chart and hence render the usefulness of these concepts to futility. Any planet which is weak and afflicted in a natal chart and has become functional malefic planet, in its operating sub-periods will only cause sufferings to the native irrespective of the promising combinations in Varshphala, transit, etc. The construction of system of Vedic Astrology is of pyramid nature, combinations have to be placed on the basic principles and not to be read and applied in isolation.
The significators are in a position to help fructification of their significations only if they are strong and/or are connected with the concerned house, the ascendant, the lord of the concerned house or the ascendant/ascendant lord of the corresponding divisional chart.
The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn, when exalted, depend upon its dispositor for strength. Because of this, in similar circumstances, a planet in its mooltrikona sign proves more beneficial in large number of cases. The reason for persistence of confusions and contradictions had been lack of an integrated systems' approach. Some further confusions/contradictions have been taken up in the subsequent paragraphs.
Treating each Bhava as Ascendant The prevalent method to identify the results of any particular house by treating it as ascendant does not give accurate results. For example, if we have to delineate the results of the fifth house, its lord or any other planet(s) posited in the sixth house or eighth house from the ascendant cannot be taken as posited in the second or fourth house from the fifth house. Such placement of the lord of the fifth house in the sixth or eighth house makes it weak as per its location in the dusthana houses. Such a planet can never promote the significations of the fifth house for the native during its sub-period in the main period of functional malefic planets, weak and afflicted planets and even in the main period of functional benefic planets. The significations of the fifth house during the main period of unconnected (having no relationship with the fifth house) strong functional benefic planets may even suffer due to the placement of the lord of the fifth house in any of the malefic houses during the sub-periods of the fifth lord. The sub-period of a planet or the lord of the fifth house placed in the sixth or the twelfth house from the fifth house would produce good results because of their occupying angles from ascendant if they are otherwise strong and are functional benefic planets.
The other dimension is knowing about the relation signified by a particular house in case the horoscope of relation concerned is not available. In that case also the applicability is to a limited extent. However, the placement of the lord of the house ruling the relation and the significator of that relation would guide the matters pertaining to that relation. For example, for considering the position of the father we have to consider the position of the ninth and the fourth houses and the significator, the Sun.
Sign of Exaltation of Rahu:
There are various views about the results of periods of Rahu and its exaltation sign. Briefly, we would touch both these points. Sub-period of Rahu gives a lot of impetus and courage to the native if Rahu is occupying benefic signs, placed in angles or trines, its dispositor is in strength and Rahu is not involved in conjunction and aspect with a weak planet or house. The results of Rahu are always very fluctuating in nature i.e. affluent if beneficially poised and of resorting to low morals and meanness if malefically poised. Experience shows beyond doubt that Taurus is the sign where Rahu gives results of its exaltation and Scorpio is its sign of debilitation which creates problems and obstructions for the native during its sub-periods. Similarly, Ketu's exaltation sign is Scorpio and debilitation sign is Taurus. The readers may see and find for themselves the truthfulness of the results attributed to Rahu in this paragraph.
Exchange of Stellar Lordship:
The term is quoted if a planet has exchanged nakshatra with another planet. Studies show that the exchange or placement of a planet in nakshatra of another planet does not make any difference. This will be quite evident if the results are derived with the Integrated System's Approach. For example, if being a functional benefic planet, Jupiter has exchanged nakshatra with Ketu and is in the signs Aries or Leo, it will be in friendly signs whereas in Sagittarius it will be in its own mooltrikona sign, and such a Jupiter, when strong, will not give malefic results of Ketu and the results of Ketu will depend on the house, sign and its sign dispositor. In other words if Jupiter is strong in any of the three signs, and is in the nakshatra of Ketu and Jupiter is a functional benefic planet and if at the same time its dispositor is with strength, mere placement of Jupiter in the nakshatra of Ketu does not produce bad results. The only effect of placement of the Moon in the nakshatra of any planet is that the clock starts ticking in with the main period of the nakshatra lord.
Dasa Chhidra:
The ending part of main period of any planet is known as dasa chhidra and it is traditionally believed that during dasa chhidra the native does not enjoy good results. This is also baseless. The reasons can be brought out very clearly. If the lord of the last sub-period in the main period of any planet is beneficially poised and is strong, it will bestow beneficial results even in dasa chhidra. There is one more misnomer that Saturn gives its results in its last part as it is a planet with slow pace. Both these so called concepts are even in contradiction amongst themselves. Jupiter's sub-period comes at the end of Saturn's main period. Jupiter is a natural benefic planet and if it is a functional benefic and strong, it will always produce good results during dasa chhidra. If it is functionally malefic and at the same time being placed in a malefic house or even in a benefic house, during its sub-period it will produce malefic results in the main period of Saturn. Both these concepts of dasa chhidra and Saturn's good results in its ending periods are totally baseless and appear to be the product of such people who do not follow a systematic analytical approach and fail to derive the correct reasons for malefic results in dasa chhidra or attributing slow results to Saturn in the end of its main period.
To sum up, the science of Vedic Astrology is an integrated system and application of any principle in isolation would only lead to erroneous judgments. Therefore, the use of Systems' Approach helps. In contrast to weak combinations, the factors which are not weak and are strong and beneficially aspected, help in manifestation of favorable results of the corresponding significations.
One very pertinent aspect is whether a person will suffer with regard to the significations of a house whose lord and significator are weak without being blessed with the signification or whether he/she will first acquire it and then lose it. For example, if a person is destined to suffer on account of progeny matters whether he will not be blessed with progeny at all, or he will not be blessed with a son, or his children will not keep good health, or his children will die before him, etc. If a planet is otherwise weak, placed in a dusthana and at the same time the planet, the significator and the house concerned suffer affliction through functional malefic planets and these factors are devoid of the influence of a functional benefic planet the native is not blessed with the significations of the house where its mooltrikona sign falls. If a planet is weak but its location is in an angle or in a trine or in its own sign (weak in this case on account of combustion, for example), and the planet as well as the concerned house are under the influence of functional benefic planets, the native stands the chances of getting it in the favorable periods and subsequently facing deterioration in the periods of weak/afflicting planets/significators.
The mooltrikona sign lords of the natural zodiac act as secondary significators for houses where their mooltrikona signs fall. For example, Mars is lord of the first house in the natural zodiac. In addition to the Sun as the significator for the first house, Mars also acts as the secondary significator for the first house. The Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn become secondary significators for fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth, seventh and eleventh houses, respectively. When all the five factors, i.e. the lord of the house, the significator, the secondary significator, the house itself and the lord of the ascendant of the concerned divisional chart are weak and afflicted, it generally becomes the case of a total denial.